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Ограбление по-шведски

A Bell 206 helicopter is stolen from Roslagens helicopter base in Norrtälje.

The helicopter arrives at 5:15 (CEST) at the G4S Cash service building. Three to four people land on the rooftop and break the reinforced glass window with a sledgehammer. Small bombs go off inside the building, likely to blow security doors open. No people are physically harmed. Bags of money are thereafter loaded into the helicopter. The sum is unknown.

The Swedish police arrive at 05:25 (CEST) but do not intervene, due to reports of the use of submachine guns.

The helicopter takes off from the rooftop at 5:35 (CEST) with all the robbers and the money onboard.

Prior to the robbery, caltrops had been placed on the roads around the cash service building to prevent police cars from gaining access and decoy bombs were placed on the police helicopter base at Myttinge on the island of Värmdö.

The helicopter the robbers used is found at 08:15 (CEST) in the woods just outside a field at Skavlöten in Arninge, thirty kilometers north of Stockholm.

vilfred(*) (2011-11-17 01:58:00)

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[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Ограбление по-шведски от vilfred 2011-11-17 01:58:00

Re:Ограбление по-шведски

Как в кино :)

anonymous(*)(2011-11-17 03:03:43)

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