Кутя, походу, rip.
Вот вам паста.
These are not to be taken as official statements by my employer, but mine personally.
Are we affected? Yes, most certainly. Do we know what is going on? Not completely at this time.
We have been told the Qt asset (Brisbane, Oslo, Berlin - Trolltech) are not "immediately" 'shutting our doors' like Ulm, and other areas. We have been told we are still working on getting Qt 5 released in the near term. We have also been told not to submit commits to Qt for the next few days, until legal works out something legal like thing.
Are people fixing up resume/cv's and looking for new digs? You betcha.
Пруф http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/interest/2012-June/002530.html
Как я понял из инглеша, разрабы от нокии (а их 85%) пока не знают, что происходит, и на всякий случай приняли решение не коммитить. По слухам, нокия собирается продавать Qt.
Re:Кутя, походу, rip.
Да пусть лучше продадут, чем унесут с собой в могилу.
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