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Все еще нужны люди на Шпицберген на 2-3 месяца!!

3 short term positions of researcher/technician (students are encouraged to apply) Description 3 research positions are available within the Marine Civil Engineering group, in the Arctic Technology field. The position is within the research project “Marine Icing”, conducted by DNV, NTNU, and STATOIL. The researcher will collaborate with research groups at NTNU and UNIS. In this position you will take part in the field work performed on Svalbard (Arctic region, 78 deg. North,, ) in November 2012-January 2013, 2-3 month in total. The aim of the work is to perform field experiments, fix and take care of equipment, collect data. Some details 4 persons will participate in the work: team leader (coordinator) and 3 persons performing experiment, different responsibilities will be distributed between them, they will work in shifts. Work will be held in the office, workshop and field. Measurements in the field will be done during suitable weather conditions (strong wind). Location of the field is 4 km from the town, which is possible to reach with a snowmobile. Work includes equipment installation and control of experiment (check every 30 minutes). Qualifications You should possess a Master or Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Science/Physics/Geophysics. Professional qualifications include: • Knowledge of physics and mechanics • English knowledge upper intermediate, ability to communicate • Ability to collaborate in a team environment as well as work independently Preferable additional qualifications include: • Skills in programming in any language • Experience in MATLAB • Driving licence • Mountaineering skills or filed work experience. Ability to withstand cold conditions • Experience in soldering, electronics • Ability to work with your hands and repair mechanical systems Interested in the position should send their short CV with emphasis to applied position. Contact details: Anton Kulyakhtin, [email protected], [email protected] , office + 47 7359 77 89/ mobile + 47 4506 34 10

Salary, employment conditions: Research fellows are remunerated in NOK 8000 or 16000 per month (after tax) depending on the qualification. NOK 8000 is for full-time students. In addition expenses related to travelling and accommodation on Svalbard in UNIS Guest House will be covered. Research fellows will be supplied with worm working clothes. The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants. The fellowship is awarded for 2-3 month.

vilfred(*) (2012-08-24 11:33:30)

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Re:Все еще нужны люди на Шпицберген на 2-3 месяца!!

Что-то не по нашему написано, не понять нишиша.

Hokum(*)(2012-08-24 11:34:20)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1

Re:Все еще нужны люди на Шпицберген на 2-3 месяца!!

> 800 норвежских крон = 4 356.91016 российских рубля
Вот это я понимаю, работать за еду.

anonymous(*)(2012-08-24 14:19:47)

Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.3; ru-ru; Transformer Prime TF201 Build/IML74K) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/534.30

Re:Все еще нужны люди на Шпицберген на 2-3 месяца!!

у нас никто столько крон не даёт, они ж по 9 вольт вроде?

Hokum(*)(2012-08-24 14:31:41)
Отредактировано Hokum по причине "не указана"
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1

Re:Все еще нужны люди на Шпицберген на 2-3 месяца!!

> Вот это я понимаю, работать за еду.
"for full-time students"

anonymous(*)(2012-08-24 14:41:09)


Re:Все еще нужны люди на Шпицберген на 2-3 месяца!!

You should possess a Master or Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Science/Physics/Geophysics. Professional qualifications include: • Knowledge of physics and mechanics • English knowledge upper intermediate, ability to communicate • Ability to collaborate in a team environment as well as work independently Preferable additional qualifications include: • Skills in programming in any language • Experience in MATLAB • Driving licence • Mountaineering skills or filed work experience. Ability to withstand cold conditions • Experience in soldering, electronics • Ability to work with your hands and repair mechanical systems.

Тут ИМХО таких людей нет, разве что 2-3 человека сразу взять, один капает, другой матом по англицки ругаться может, третий дизеля чинить будет ...

Да к тому же МАТЛАБ, что то мне подсказывает, что остальное тоже все под винду.

anonymous(*)(2012-08-24 14:52:57)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:10.0.6) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.6 Iceweasel/10.0.6

Re:Все еще нужны люди на Шпицберген на 2-3 месяца!!

Мат лаб есть не только под венду как бэ

Hokum(*)(2012-08-24 15:04:39)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1
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