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Я думал самые дорогие заправки это BP и ТНК ...

Собственно самая дорогая заправка теперь у наса на МКС, где с 14 января работает робот гастарбайтер.


NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) have begun practicing satellite refueling in space on a test bed outside the International Space Station (ISS). In a series of tests that started on January 14 and are scheduled to continue until the 25th, the two space agencies are using the Robotic Refueling Module (RRM) and Canada's Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator, or Dextre, robot to carry out simulated refueling operations. The purpose of these tests is to develop refueling methods aimed at extending the life of satellites and reducing the amount of space debris orbiting the Earth.

Pl(*) (2013-01-24 07:05:49)

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