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А чем починить JFFS2?

А то fsck.jffs2 не положили, а ядро матерится:

[   19.100000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "spool" (ino #17204) of dir ino #16 appears to be a hard link
[   19.110000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "volatile" (ino #17206) of dir ino #16 appears to be a hard link
[   19.190000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "10-vendor.d" (ino #17196) of dir ino #17195 appears to be a hard link
[   19.200000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "50-local.d" (ino #17199) of dir ino #17195 appears to be a hard link
[   19.210000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "30-site.d" (ino #17198) of dir ino #17195 appears to be a hard link
[   19.220000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "90-mandatory.d" (ino #17200) of dir ino #17195 appears to be a hard link
[   19.250000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "tabs" (ino #17208) of dir ino #17198 appears to be a hard link
[   19.280000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "subsys" (ino #17209) of dir ino #17205 appears to be a hard link
[   19.290000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "sa" (ino #17210) of dir ino #17206 appears to be a hard link
[   19.300000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "PolicyKit" (ino #17211) of dir ino #17207 appears to be a hard link
[   19.310000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "sepermit" (ino #17212) of dir ino #17207 appears to be a hard link
[   19.320000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "wpa_supplicant" (ino #17214) of dir ino #17207 appears to be a hard link
[   19.350000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "localauthority" (ino #17237) of dir ino #17214 appears to be a hard link
[   19.400000] JFFS2 error: (1) jffs2_build_inode_pass1: child dir "update-cuWlxf" (ino #17236) of dir ino #17225 appears to be a hard link

anonymous(*) (2013-05-27 12:26:52)

[Ответить на это сообщение]
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: А чем починить JFFS2? от anonymous 2013-05-27 12:26:52
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re:А чем починить JFFS2? от anonymous 2013-05-27 15:57:00

Re:А чем починить JFFS2?

> JFFS2 is a robust file system supporting power failure without fsck checking after reboot
И что это по-твоему означает? Читать портянку, да ещё и на английском - нет, увольте.

anonymous(*)(2013-05-27 17:22:02)

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