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Linus Torvalds Celebrates 20 Years of Windows 3.11 With Linux 3.11-rc5 Launch

"Linus Torvalds released Linux 3.11-rc5 yesterday wishing that it would have been a lovely coincidence if he were able to release final Linux 3.11 as on the exact same day 20 years ago Microsoft released Windows 3.11. 'Sadly, the numerology doesn't quite work out, and while releasing the final 3.11 today would be a lovely coincidence (Windows 3.11 was released twenty years ago today), it is not to be,' notes Torvalds in the release announcement.

anonymous(*) (2013-08-12 23:38:32)

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[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Linus Torvalds Celebrates 20 Years of Windows 3.11 With Linux 3.11-rc5 Launch от anonymous 2013-08-12 23:38:32

Re:Linus Torvalds Celebrates 20 Years of Windows 3.11 With Linux 3.11-rc5 Launch

У меня до сих пор пашет.

lockywolf(*)(2013-08-13 00:28:40)

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