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Скрыть Dubbed Cheapest Online Concert Tickets Vendor

I purchase a lot of concert and sporting event tickets online. I'm the kind of customer that likes to be able to choose his seat rather than have Ticketmaster spit out the 'best available' (yeah right) for me. Hell, many of the shows I want to go to I can't even get tickets to because they sell out so fast. I've spent a lot of time researching different brokers and marketplaces and believe that I've found a winner. <a href=></a>

Over the last few years Stubhub was my go to site, but over the last year I've been burned by fake tickets...twice! :eek: I've since switched over to another broker and have been really impressed by the service, tickets, etc.

Below is my review and reasons why a few reasons why I think that they are the best place to buy tickets from.

1. <B>Price</B> - They are super competitive with all other broker sites. Many times you can find tickets for below face value. Check out their <a href=>cheap baseball tickets</a> to see what I mean. You can get into Yankee stadium, Fenway Park, etc. for way below face value. My wife wants to see Wicked this summer so we picked up some incredibly <a href=>cheap wicked tickets</a> and got great seats.

2. <B>Customer Support</B> - I can always get someone on the phone or have them respond to an email very quickly. Stubhub fails miserably in this category!

3. <B> Availability</B> - They seem to have the largest selection for any given event and I can generally pick the exact section and price I want to pay. They ship with FedEx and send a tracking number for every order. You can even order tickets for same day events. They can setup tickets at will call or email them to you.

4. <B>Every ticket is broker owned</B> - My biggest beef with stubhub is that anyone can sell tickets. Like I mentioned earlier I've been burned by 'fans' selling their fake tickets to me. I felt like a total jerk when I was turned away at the gate. I got my money back, but that didn't get me into the concert. The tickets on StubSearch are all owned by brokers. They aren't going to risk their businesses by selling fake tickets.

Anyway, <a href=><b></b></a> has won over a solid customer.

anonymous(*) (2009-06-04 18:46:27)

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