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DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

последняя версия плеера 0.1.1 alpha

функции, достоинства и недостатки:

интерфейс на GTK2 без зависимостей от GNOME и KDE основная часть кода написана на C99 (не считая сторонних библиотек) работает на архитектурах x86, x86_64 и (частично) на ppc64 проигрывание mp3, flac, ogg vorbis, sid, mod, и некоторых других форматов поддерживаются subtunes (для sid, nsf и др.) поддерживается чтение mp3 тегов id3v1, id3v2, ape быстрый и точный расчет времени для vbr mp3 авто-определение кодировки в id3 тегах (поддерживаются cp1251, iso8859-1 и уникод) поддержка cue sheets для mp3, flac, ogg vorbis (включая встроенные в flac) минимизация в трей программная регулировка громкости, в т.ч. колесом мыши на иконке в трее быстрый поиск drag-and-drop внутри плейлиста и из файл-менеджеров контроль плеера из командной строки несколько режимов порядка воспроизведения (linear, random, shuffle) экономный расход памяти

в ближайших версиях запланированы плагины, gapless playback, и поддержка самых востребованных форматов, таких как ape, iso.wv, wav, ogg flac, tta.

>>> Подробнее

anonymous(*) (2009-08-24 22:28:38)

Подтверждено: Tuxoid(*) (2009-08-25 00:25:38)

[Ответить на это сообщение]

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от bugmaker 2009-08-26 01:41:47

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

>Я - нет. Это ты забыл, либо делаешь всё это на бумажечечке, так как

Мне про это помнить не обязательно. xmms2/moc умеют это из коробки.

>по-твоему mpd целиком загоняет аудиофайлы в оракелевский BLOB, не иначе...

Хранение в текстовой базе выглядит ещё более убого. Особенно на фоне отсутствия альтернатив.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 12:44:49)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru-RU; rv: Gecko/2009061622 Mandriva/ (2009.1) Firefox/3.0.11
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 02:48:31

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

>Файловая система - это БД для файлов. Тупая и бессмыссленная. Любая СУБД лучше справилась бы с задачей хранения данных, чем файловая система. Гы. Гы. Гы.

Весьма голословное утверждение. man fuse, нуб.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 12:46:06)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru-RU; rv: Gecko/2009061622 Mandriva/ (2009.1) Firefox/3.0.11
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 12:46:06

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

> man fuse, нуб.

    $ man fuse
  1.  No manual entry for fuse

Что ты хотел сказать про фьюз? Каким боком он имеет какое-то отношение к базам данных?

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 13:03:44)

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 12:44:49

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

> Хранение в текстовой базе выглядит ещё более убого. Особенно на фоне отсутствия альтернатив.

А что, не бывает баз, поддерживающих двоичные блобы?

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 13:05:01)

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 12:46:06

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

>Весьма голословное утверждение. man fuse, нуб.

    ~ % man fuse
  3.  fuse(1) Emulators fuse(1)
  7.  NAME
  8.   fuse - Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator
  11.   fuse [options]
  13.   Fuse is a Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator. It supports several models
  14.   (including the 128), with quite faithful emulation of the display and
  15.   sound.
  17.   The emulator can load any of the formats supported by libspectrum(3) -
  18.   this includes Z80, SNA and SZX snapshots, and TAP and TZX virtual-tape
  19.   files. Saving to SZX, Z80 and SNA snapshots and TZX and TAP tape files
  20.   is supported. The SLT extension to the Z80 format is partly supported
  21.   (enough for multi-load games); however, loading of the old DAT-file
  22.   variant is not. DSK disk images are supported when emulating a +3, TRD
  23.   and SCL disk images are supported when emulating a Pentagon or Scorpion
  24.   and DCK cartridge images are supported when emulating a Timex 2068
  25.   variant. Interface II ROM cartridges are also supported.
  27.   Finally, there is also support for reading and writing the RZX input
  28.   recording format.
  30.   See the COMPRESSED FILES section for details on reading files com‐
  31.   pressed with bzip2(3) or gzip(3).
  33.  OPTIONS
  34.   –accelerate-loader
  35.   Specify whether Fuse should attempt to accelerate tape loaders
  36.   by "short circuiting" the loading loop. This will in general
  37.   speed up loading, but may cause some loaders to fail. (Enabled
  38.   by default, but you can use `–no-accelerate-loader' to dis‐
  39.   able). The same as the General Options dialog's Accelerate load‐
  40.   ers option.
  42.   –aspect-hint
  43.   Specify whether the GTK+ and Xlib user interfaces should `hint'
  44.   to the window manager about the preferred aspect ratio for the
  45.   graphics window, thus preventing resizing to non-square sizes
  46.   which lead to Fuse not displaying correctly. This option has
  47.   been observed to cause problems with some window managers when
  48.   using the GTK+ UI which can prevent the window from being
  49.   resized or moved at all. (Enabled by default, but you can use
  50.   `–no-aspect-hint' to disable). See also the
  51.   `–strict-aspect-hint' option.
  53.   –autosave-settings
  54.   Specify whether Fuse's current settings should be automatically
  55.   saved on exit. The same as the General Options dialog's Auto-
  56.   save settings option.
  58.   –auto-load
  59.   Specify whether tape and disk files should be automatically
  60.   loaded when they are opened using the File, Open... menu
  61.   option. (Enabled by default, but you can use `–no-auto-load' to
  62.   disable). Same as the General Options dialog's Auto-load media
  63.   option.
  65.   –beeper-stereo
  66.   Specify whether fake stereo should be added to the emulation of
  67.   the Spectrum beeper. Same as the Sound Options dialog's Beeper
  68.   pseudo-stereo option.
  70.   –beta128
  71.   Emulate a Beta 128 interface. Same as the Peripherals Options
  72.   dialog's Beta 128 interface option.
  74.   –betadisk Specify a Betadisk image to load.
  76.   –bw-tv
  77.   Specify whether the display should simulate a colour or black
  78.   and white television. This option is effective under the GTK+,
  79.   Xlib and SDL user interfaces: the others will always simulate a
  80.   colour TV. The same as the General Options dialog's Black and
  81.   white TV option.
  83.   –competition-code code
  84.   Specify the code to be written to competition mode RZX files.
  85.   The same as the RZX Options dialog's Competition code option.
  87.   –competition-mode
  88.   Specify whether input recordings should be made in `competition
  89.   mode'. The same as the RZX Options dialog's Competition mode
  90.   option.
  92.   –compress-rzx
  93.   Specify whether RZX files should be written out compressed.
  94.   (Enabled by default, but you can use `–no-compress-rzx' to dis‐
  95.   able). Same as the RZX Options dialog's Compress RZX data
  96.   option.
  98.   –confirm-actions
  99.   Specify whether `dangerous' actions (those which could cause
  100.   data loss, for example resetting the Spectrum) require confirma‐
  101.   tion before occurring. (Enabled by default, but you can use
  102.   `–no-confirm-actions' to disable). This option is effective
  103.   under the GTK+ UI, and is the same as the General Options dia‐
  104.   log's Confirm actions option.
  106.   –debugger-command string
  107.   Specify a debugger command to be run before emulator startup.
  108.   This can be used to set breakpoints or the like. Currently, this
  109.   is the only method to input multi-line debugger commands. (See
  110.   the MONITOR/DEBUGGER section for more information).
  112.   –detect-loader
  113.   Specify whether Fuse should attempt to detect when the tape is
  114.   being accessed and start and stop the virtual tape playing auto‐
  115.   matically. (Enabled by default, but you can use
  116.   `–no-detect-loader' to disable). Same as the General Options
  117.   dialog's Detect loaders option.
  119.   –divide
  120.   Emulate the DivIDE interface. The same as the Peripherals
  121.   Options dialog's DivIDE interface option.
  123.   –divide-masterfile file
  124.   –divide-slavefile file
  125.   Specify an IDE image to be loaded into the DivIDE's emulated
  126.   master and slave drives respectively.
  128.   –divide-write-protect
  129.   Specify that the emulated DivIDE's write protect jumper should
  130.   be considered set. The same as the Peripherals Options dialog's
  131.   DivIDE write protect option.
  133.   –dock file
  134.   Insert the specified file into the emulated Timex 2068 variant
  135.   dock; also select the TC2068 on startup if available.
  137.   –doublescan-mode
  138.   Specify the the framebuffer UI should attempt to use a double
  139.   scan mode (where each line is displayed twice).
  141.   –embed-snapshot
  142.   Specify whether a snapshot should be embedded in an RZX file
  143.   when recording is started from an existing snapshot. (Enabled by
  144.   default, but you can use `–no-embed-snapshot' to disable). Same
  145.   as the RZX Options dialog's Always embed snapshot option.
  147.   –fastload
  148.   Specify whether Fuse should run at the fastest possible speed
  149.   when the virtual tape is playing. (Enabled by default, but you
  150.   can use `–no-fastload' to disable). The same as the General
  151.   Options dialog's Fastloading option.
  153.   -f frequency
  154.   –sound-freq frequency
  155.   Specify what frequency Fuse should use for the sound device, the
  156.   default is 32 kHz, but some devices only support a single fre‐
  157.   quency or a limited range (e.g. 48 kHz or up to 22 kHz).
  159.   –full-screen
  160.   Specify whether Fuse should run in full screen mode. This
  161.   option is effective only under the SDL UI.
  163.   -g filter
  164.   –graphics-filter mode
  165.   Specify which graphics filter to use if available. The default
  166.   is normal, which uses no filtering. The available options are
  167.   2x, 2xsai, 3x, advmame2x, advmame3x, dotmatrix, half, halfskip,
  168.   normal, super2xsai, supereagle, timex15x, timextv, tv2x, paltv,
  169.   paltv2x, and paltv3x. See the GRAPHICS FILTERS section for more
  170.   details.
  172.   –graphicsfile file
  173.   Set the filename used for graphical output from the emulated ZX
  174.   printer. See the PRINTER EMULATION section for more details.
  176.   -h
  177.   –help
  178.   Give brief usage help, listing available options.
  180.   –if2cart file
  181.   Insert the specified file into the emulated Interface II.
  183.   –interface1
  184.   Emulate a Sinclair Interface I. Same as the Peripherals Options
  185.   dialog's Interface I option.
  187.   –interface2
  188.   Emulate a Sinclair Interface II. (Enabled by default, but you
  189.   can use `–no-interface2' to disable). Same as the Peripherals
  190.   Options dialog's Interface II option.
  192.   –issue2
  193.   Emulate an issue 2 keyboard. Same as the General Options dia‐
  194.   log's Issue 2 keyboard option.
  196.   -j device
  197.   –joystick-1 device
  198.   Read from device to emulate the first joystick. Fuse will use
  199.   either `/dev/input/js0' or `/dev/js0' by default.
  201.   –joystick-2 device
  202.   As for –joystick-1 but for the second joystick; the default
  203.   here is either `/dev/input/js1' or `/dev/js1'.
  205.   –joystick-prompt
  206.   If this option is specified, Fuse Fuse will prompt you which
  207.   form of joystick emulation you wish to use when loading a snap‐
  208.   shot. No prompt will be issued if the configuration in the snap‐
  209.   shot matches what you are currently using. The same as the Gen‐
  210.   eral Options dialog's Snap joystick prompt option.
  212.   –kempston
  213.   Emulate a Kempston joystick. Same as the Peripherals Options
  214.   dialog's Kempston joystick option.
  216.   –kempston-mouse
  217.   Emulate a Kempston mouse. Same as the Peripherals Options dia‐
  218.   log's Kempston mouse option.
  220.   –late-timings
  221.   It has been observed that some real Spectrums run such that the
  222.   screen is rendered one tstate later than on other real hardware.
  223.   This option specifies that Fuse should emulate such a machine.
  224.   Same as the General Options dialog's Late timings option.
  226.   –loading-sound
  227.   Specify whether the sound made while tapes are loading should be
  228.   emulated. (Enabled by default, but you can use `–no-load‐
  229.   ing-sound' to disable). Same as the Sound Options dialog's Load‐
  230.   ing sound option.
  232.   -m type
  233.   –machine type
  234.   Specify machine type to emulate initially. The default is 48, a
  235.   48K Spectrum. The available options are 16, 48, 128, plus2,
  236.   plus2a, plus3, 2048, 2068, ts2068, pentagon, pentagon512, penta‐
  237.   gon1024, and scorpion.
  239.   –microdrive-file file
  240.   –microdrive-2-file file
  241.   –microdrive-3-file file
  242.   –microdrive-4-file file
  243.   –microdrive-5-file file
  244.   –microdrive-6-file file
  245.   –microdrive-7-file file
  246.   –microdrive-8-file file
  247.   Specify Interface I Microdrive cartridge files to open.
  249.   -p file
  250.   –playback file
  251.   Specify an RZX file to begin playback from.
  253.   –paltv2x
  254.   Specify whether the PAL TV 2x and PAL TV 3x scalers should also
  255.   produce scanlines along the lines of the TV 2x and Timex TV
  256.   scalers. The same as the General Options dialog's PAL-TV use
  257.   TV2x effect option.
  259.   –plus3disk file
  260.   Insert the specified file into the emulated +3's A: drive; also
  261.   select the +3 on startup if available.
  263.   –plusd
  264.   Emulate a +D interface. Same as the Peripherals Options dialog's
  265.   +D interface option.
  267.   –plusddisk file
  268.   Insert the specified file into the emulated +D's drive 1.
  270.   –printer
  271.   Specify whether the emulation should include a printer. Same as
  272.   the Peripherals Options dialog's Emulate printers option.
  274.   –rate frame
  275.   Specify the frame rate, the ratio of spectrum frame updates to
  276.   real frame updates. Same as the General Options dialog's Frame
  277.   rate option.
  279.   -r file
  280.   –record file
  281.   Specify an RZX file to begin recording to.
  283.   –rom-16 file
  284.   –rom-48 file
  285.   –rom-128-0 file
  286.   –rom-128-1 file
  287.   –rom-plus2-0 file
  288.   –rom-plus2-1 file
  289.   –rom-plus2a-0 file
  290.   –rom-plus2a-1 file
  291.   –rom-plus2a-2 file
  292.   –rom-plus2a-3 file
  293.   –rom-plus3-0 file
  294.   –rom-plus3-1 file
  295.   –rom-plus3-2 file
  296.   –rom-plus3-3 file
  297.   –rom-plus3e-0 file
  298.   –rom-plus3e-1 file
  299.   –rom-plus3e-2 file
  300.   –rom-plus3e-3 file
  301.   –rom-tc2048 file
  302.   –rom-tc2068-0 file
  303.   –rom-tc2068-1 file
  304.   –rom-ts2068-0 file
  305.   –rom-ts2068-1 file
  306.   –rom-pentagon-0 file
  307.   –rom-pentagon-1 file
  308.   –rom-pentagon-2 file
  309.   –rom-pentagon-3 file
  310.   –rom-scorpion-0 file
  311.   –rom-scorpion-1 file
  312.   –rom-scorpion-2 file
  313.   –rom-scorpion-3 file
  314.   –rom-spec-se-0 file
  315.   –rom-spec-se-1 file
  316.   –rom-interface-1 file
  317.   –rom-plusd file
  318.   –rom-beta128 file
  319.   Specify the file to be used for ROM(s) used for each machine.
  320.   The options respectively refer to the 16K Spectrum (48.rom), 48K
  321.   Spectrum (48.rom), the two ROMs for the 128K Spectrum (128-0.rom
  322.   and 128-1.rom), the two ROMs for the +2 (plus2-0.rom and
  323.   plus2-1.rom), the four ROMs for the +2A (plus3-0.rom,
  324.   plus3-1.rom, plus3-2.rom and plus3-3.rom), the four ROMs for the
  325.   +3 (plus3-0.rom, plus3-1.rom, plus3-2.rom and plus3-3.rom), the
  326.   TC2048 ROM (tc2048.rom), the two ROMs for the TC2068
  327.   (tc2068-0.rom and tc2068-1.rom), the two ROMs for the TS2068
  328.   (tc2068-0.rom and tc2068-1.rom), the two main ROMs, the TR-DOS
  329.   ROM and a reset service ROM for the Pentagon (128p-0.rom,
  330.   128p-1.rom, trdos.rom and gluck.rom), the four ROMs for the
  331.   Scorpion 256 (256s-0.rom, 256s-1.rom, 256s-2.rom and
  332.   256s-3.rom), the two ROMs for the Spectrum SE (se-0.rom and
  333.   se-1.rom), the Interface I ROM (if1-2.rom), the +D ROM
  334.   (plusd.rom), and the TR-DOS ROM for Beta 128 emulation with the
  335.   128K or +2 (trdos.rom). The names in brackets denote the
  336.   defaults.
  338.   –no-rs232-handshake
  339.   This option makes Fuse's Interface I emulation assume that the
  340.   RS-232 line other end is live when you connect the communication
  341.   channels. See also the `–rs232-rx' and `–rs232-tx' options.
  343.   –rs232-rx
  344.   –rs232-tx
  345.   Specify the communication channels (FIFO or file) to be used for
  346.   Interface I RS-232 emulation as RxD and TxD wire. See also the
  347.   `–rs232-handshake' options.
  349.   –rzx-autosaves
  350.   Specify that, while recording an RZX file, Fuse should automati‐
  351.   cally add a snapshot to the recording stream every 5 seconds.
  352.   (Default to on, but you can use `–no-rzx-autosaves' to dis‐
  353.   able). Same as the RZX Options dialog's "Create autosaves"
  354.   option; see there for more details.
  356.   –separation
  357.   Give stereo separation of the 128's AY sound channels. Same as
  358.   the General Options dialog's AY stereo separation option.
  360.   –simpleide
  361.   Specify whether Fuse will emulate the simple 8-bit IDE interface
  362.   as used by the Spectrum +3e. Same as the Peripherals Options
  363.   dialog's Simple 8-bit IDE option.
  365.   –simpleide-masterfile file
  366.   Specify a HDF file to connect to the emulated Simple 8-bit IDE
  367.   interface's master channel.
  369.   –simpleide-slavefile file
  370.   Specify a HDF file to connect to the emulated Simple 8-bit IDE
  371.   interface's slave channel.
  373.   –slt
  374.   Support the SLT trap instruction. (Enabled by default, but you
  375.   can use `–no-slt' to disable). Same as the General Options dia‐
  376.   log's Use .slt traps option.
  378.   -s file
  379.   –snapshot file
  380.   Specify a snapshot file to load. The file can be in any snapshot
  381.   format supported by libspectrum(3).
  383.   –sound
  384.   Specify whether Fuse should produce sound. (Enabled by default,
  385.   but you can use `–no-sound' to disable). Same as the Sound
  386.   Options dialog's Sound enabled option.
  388.   –sound-force-8bit
  389.   Force the use of 8-bit sound, even if 16-bit is possible. Same
  390.   as the Sound Options dialog's Force 8-bit option.
  392.   –sound-hifi
  393.   Use higher fidelity sound generation to improve the reproduction
  394.   of some multi-channel beeper tunes by reducing aliasing noise
  395.   (e.g. Fairlight 2). Same as the Sound Options dialog's Hi-fi
  396.   beeper option.
  398.   -d device
  399.   –sound-device device
  400.   Specify the sound output device to use and any options to give
  401.   that device. If you are not using the SDL UI or using libao or
  402.   libasound (ALSA) for sound output, then the device parameter
  403.   just specifies the device to be used for sound output.
  405.   If you are using the SDL UI, the device parameter allows you to
  406.   specify the audio driver to be used (e.g. dsp, alsa, dma, esd
  407.   and arts).
  409.   If you are using libao for sound output, the device parameter
  410.   allows you to specify the device used for sound output (either
  411.   `live' to a speaker or to a file) and the parameters to be used
  412.   for that device. In general, the device parameter has the form
  413.   driver[:param[=value][,param[=value][,...]]. driver selects the
  414.   libao driver to be used, either one of the `live' drivers (aixs,
  415.   alsa, alsa09, arts, esd, irix , macosx, nas, oss or sun) or a
  416.   file driver (au, raw, wav or null). The available parameter and
  417.   value pairs for each device are:
  419.   · aixs: AIX audio system
  421.   · dev=device
  422.   `device' gives the AIX sound device.
  424.   · alsa: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture version 0.5.x
  426.   · card=num
  427.   `num' gives the ALSA card number.
  429.   · dev=num
  430.   `num' gives the ALSA device number.
  432.   · buf_size=num
  433.   `num' gives the ALSA buffer size in bytes.
  435.   · alsa09: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture version 0.9+
  437.   · dev=string
  438.   `string' specfies the ALSA device e.g. hw:1.2
  440.   · buffer_time=num
  441.   `num' gives the ALSA buffer time in microseconds.
  443.   · period_time=num
  444.   `num' gives the ALSA period time in microseconds.
  446.   · use_mmap=yes|y|true|t|1
  447.   specifies that libao use memory mapped transfer.
  449.   · arts: aRts soundserver: no parameters.
  451.   · esd: Enlightened Sound Daemon.
  453.   · host=string
  454.   `string' gives the ESD host specification.
  456.   · irix: IRIX Audio Library: no parameters.
  458.   · macosx: MacOS X CoreAudio: no parameters.
  460.   · nas: Network Audio System.
  462.   · host=string
  463.   `string' gives the NAS host specification.
  465.   · buf_size=num
  466.   `num' gives the buffer size on the server.
  468.   · oss: Open Sound System.
  470.   · dsp=string
  471.   `string' gives the OSS device to be used e.g.
  472.   /dev/sound/dsp1
  474.   · sun: SUN audio system.
  476.   · dev=string
  477.   `string' gives the audio device to be used.
  479.   · au: SUN Sparc audio file: no parameters.
  481.   · raw: raw file.
  483.   · byteorder=string
  484.   `string' can be any of native (host native byte‐
  485.   order), big (big endian) or little (little
  486.   endian).
  488.   · wav: Microsoft audio file: no parameters.
  490.   · null: null output: no parameters.
  492.   · debug: for debugging libao.
  494.   Finally, each of the file output types (au, raw and wav) have an
  495.   extra option `file=filename' where `filename' gives the file
  496.   output will be directed to. This defaults to `' if
  497.   it is not specified.
  499.   Some examples of use:
  501.   fuse -d alsa09:dev=hw:1
  503.   causes Fuse to use ALSA 0.9+ output with the second (#1) sound
  504.   card.
  506.   fuse -d raw:byteorder=little,file=enigma.raw
  508.   causes Fuse to save little endian words to `enigma.raw'.
  510.   See the `DEVICE' section of ogg123(1) for up to date information
  511.   of devices and options (except for the `file' option which is
  512.   provided by Fuse itself).
  513.   If you are using libasound or ALSA for sound output, the device
  514.   parameter allows you to specify the device used for sound output
  515.   and some parameters to be used for that device. In general, the
  516.   device parameter has the form
  517.   devstr or
  518.   param[=value][,param[=value][,...][,devstr].
  520.   · devstr: selects the ALSA device used, it can be any com‐
  521.   plex or simple ALSA device name. e.g.: default or hw:0 or
  522.   tee:plughw:0,'/tmp/out.raw',raw See the alsa-lib pcm api
  523.   reference at
  525.   for further explanation.
  527.   · param and values:
  529.   · buffer=nnnn: set the ALSA buffer in frames,
  530.   smaller value cause smaller sound delay but may
  531.   more buffer underrun (pops and clicks), larger
  532.   value cause longer delay but fewer underrun. By
  533.   default Fuse determine the buffer size based on
  534.   the actual sound frequency.
  535.   If you use some special plugin for your pcm device
  536.   (e.g.: dmix) or your card not support some needed
  537.   parameter (e.g. cannot play other only 48 kHz
  538.   stereo sound like some AC97 sound card) may cause
  539.   Fuse unable to set the needed buffer size, appro‐
  540.   priate sound frequency, channels and so on, there‐
  541.   fore you cannot get optimal result or not hear the
  542.   sound at all. In this case try the plughw:#,
  543.   (where # mean your card number counted from 0) for
  544.   ALSA device.
  546.   · verbose : if given, fuse report ALSA buffer under‐
  547.   runs to stderr
  549.   Some examples of use:
  551.   fuse -d verbose,buffer=2000
  553.   causes Fuse to use the default ALSA device with 2000 frame
  554.   length buffer and report ALSA buffer underruns on stderr.
  556.   fuse -d tee:plughw:0,'/tmp/aufwm.raw',raw
  558.   causes Fuse to use the first card and parallel save the raw
  559.   audio samples into /tmp/aufwm.raw file.
  561.   –speed percentage
  562.   Specify the speed (as a percentage of real Spectrum speed) at
  563.   which emulation should attempt to proceed. Same as the General
  564.   Options dialog's Emulation speed option.
  566.   –statusbar
  567.   For the GTK+ UI, enables the statusbar beneath the display. For
  568.   the SDL UI, enables the status icons showing whether the disk
  569.   and tape are being accessed. Same as the General Options dia‐
  570.   log's Show statusbar option.
  572.   –strict-aspect-hint
  573.   For the GTK+ UI, use stricter limits for the aspect ratio limits
  574.   set by the `–aspect-hint' option. This can cause some window
  575.   managers (for example, metacity(1)) to not allow the window to
  576.   be resized and moved, but is necessary to prevent others (for
  577.   example, fvwm(1)) from being able resize the window away from
  578.   square.
  580.   -v mode
  581.   –svgamode mode
  582.   Specify which mode to use for the SVGAlib and FB UIs. Available
  583.   values for mode are `320' (which corresponds to a 320x240x256
  584.   mode), the default and `640' (a 640x480x256 mode).
  586.   -D mode
  587.   –doublescan-mode mode
  588.   Specify whether to use doublescan modes in the SVGAlib and FB
  589.   UIs. Available values for mode are 0, 1 and 2. 0 means `never
  590.   doublescan' (use 640x480 at either 72 Hz or 60 Hz), whereas 1
  591.   and 2 both mean `try to use doublescan' and will fall back on
  592.   the 640x480 modes. These latter two are treated identically for
  593.   SVGA, but for FB, they differ: 1 selects 72 Hz modes (the same
  594.   size and shape as your typical 640x480), and 2 selects 60 Hz
  595.   modes (overscan).
  596.   If your monitor displays a blank screen when using 1 or 2, press
  597.   F10 then try a different option or say `–svgamode 640'.
  599.   -t file
  600.   –tape file
  601.   Specify a virtual tape file to use. It must be in TAP or TZX
  602.   format.
  604.   –textfile file
  605.   Set the filename used for text output from the emulated print‐
  606.   ers. See the PRINTER EMULATION section below for more details.
  608.   –traps
  609.   Support traps for ROM tape loading/saving. (Enabled by default,
  610.   but you can use `–no-traps' to disable). Same as the General
  611.   Options dialog's Use tape traps option.
  613.   –betadisk file
  614.   Insert the specified file into the emulated Beta disk inter‐
  615.   face's drive A: and select Pentagon mode on startup.
  617.   -V
  618.   –version
  619.   Show which version of Fuse is being used.
  621.   –writable-roms
  622.   Allow Spectrum programs to overwrite the ROM(s). The same as the
  623.   General Options dialog's Allow writes to ROM option.
  625.   –zxatasp
  626.   Specify whether Fuse emulate the ZXATASP interface. Same as the
  627.   Peripherals Options dialog's ZXATASP interface option.
  629.   –zxatasp-upload
  630.   Specify the state of the ZXATASP upload jumper. Same as the
  631.   Peripherals Options dialog's ZXATASP upload option.
  633.   –zxatasp-write-protect
  634.   Specify the state of the ZXATASP write protect jumper. Same as
  635.   the Peripherals Options dialog's ZXATASP write protect option.
  637.   –zxatasp-masterfile file
  638.   Specify a HDF file to connect to the emulated ZXATASP inter‐
  639.   face's master channel.
  641.   –zxatasp-slavefile file
  642.   Specify a HDF file to connect to the emulated ZXATASP inter‐
  643.   face's slave channel.
  645.   –zxcf
  646.   Specify whether Fuse emulate the ZXCF interface. Same as the
  647.   Peripherals Options dialog's ZXCF interface option.
  649.   –zxcf-upload
  650.   Specify the state of the ZXCF upload jumper. Same as the Periph‐
  651.   erals Options dialog's ZXCF upload option.
  653.   –zxcf-cffile file
  654.   Specify a HDF file to connect to the emulated ZXCF interface.
  656.   All long options which control on/off settings can be disabled using
  657.   `–no-foo' (for an option `–foo'). For example, the opposite of
  658.   `–issue2' is `–no-issue2'. These options can also be modified while
  659.   the emulator is running, using the options dialogs - see the documenta‐
  660.   tion for the Options menu in the MENUS AND KEYS section for details.
  663.   Fuse supports various front-ends, or UIs (user interfaces). The usual
  664.   one is GTK+-based, but there are also SDL, Xlib, SVGAlib and frame‐
  665.   buffer ones.
  667.   The important difference to note is that the GTK+ version uses `native'
  668.   dialog boxes etc. (behaving like a fairly normal GUI-based program)
  669.   while the others use an alternative, Fuse-specific `widget UI'. This
  670.   latter front-end is easily spotted by the way it uses the main Fuse
  671.   window/screen for menus and dialogs, and uses the Spectrum's own font.
  674.   Since many of the keys available are devoted to emulation of the Spec‐
  675.   trum's keyboard, the primary way of controlling Fuse itself (rather
  676.   than the emulated machine) is via the menus. There are also function
  677.   key shortcuts for some menu options.
  679.   In the GTK+ version, the menu bar is always visible at the top of the
  680.   Fuse window. You can click on a menu name to pop it up. Alternatively,
  681.   you can press F1 to display a pop-up version of the menu bar, which you
  682.   can then navigate with the cursor keys or mouse.
  684.   In the widget UI pressing F1 is the only way to get the main menu; and
  685.   unlike the GTK+ version, the emulator pauses while the menus are being
  686.   navigated. The menus show which key to press for each menu option in
  687.   brackets. Pressing Esc exits a menu, and pressing Enter exits the menu
  688.   system entirely (as well as `confirming' any current dialog).
  690.   Here's what the menu options do, along with the function key mappings
  691.   for those items which have them:
  693.   F3
  694.   File, Open...
  695.   Open a Spectrum file. Snapshots will be loaded into memory; tape
  696.   images will be inserted into the emulated tape deck, and if the
  697.   Auto-load media option is set will being loading. Opening a disk
  698.   image or a Timex dock image will cause the appropriate machine
  699.   type (+3, Pentagon or TC2068) to be selected with the image
  700.   inserted, and disks will automatically load if the Auto-load
  701.   media option is set. See the FILE SELECTION section below for
  702.   details on how to choose the file. Note that this behaviour is
  703.   different from previous versions of Fuse, when this option would
  704.   open only snapshots.
  706.   F2
  707.   File, Save Snapshot...
  708.   Save a snapshot (machine state, memory contents, etc.) to file.
  709.   You can select the filename to be saved to. If it has a .szx,
  710.   .z80 or .sna extension, the snapshot will be saved in that for‐
  711.   mat. Otherwise, it will be saved as a .szx file.
  713.   File, Recording, Record...
  714.   Start recording input to an RZX file, initialised from the cur‐
  715.   rent emulation state. You will be prompted for a filename to
  716.   use.
  718.   File, Recording, Record from snapshot...
  719.   Start recording input to an RZX file, initialised from a snap‐
  720.   shot. You will first be asked for the snapshot to use and then
  721.   the file to save the recording to.
  723.   Insert
  724.   File, Recording, Insert snapshot
  725.   Inserts a snapshot of the current state into the RZX file. This
  726.   can be used at a later point to roll back to the inserted state
  727.   by using one of the commands below.
  729.   Delete
  730.   File, Recording, Rollback
  731.   Rolls back the recording to the point at which the previous
  732.   snapshot was inserted. Recording will continue from that point.
  734.   File, Recording, Rollback to...
  735.   Roll back the recording to any snapshot which has been inserted
  736.   into the recording.
  738.   File, Recording, Play...
  739.   Playback recorded input from an RZX file. This lets you replay
  740.   keypresses recorded previously. RZX files generally contain a
  741.   snapshot with the Spectrum's state at the start of the record‐
  742.   ing; if the selected RZX file doesn't, you'll be prompted for a
  743.   snapshot to load as well.
  745.   File, Recording, Stop
  746.   Stop any currently-recording/playing RZX file.
  748.   File, AY Logging, Record...
  749.   Start recording the bytes output via the AY-3-8192 sound chip to
  750.   a PSG file. You will be prompted for a filename to save the
  751.   recording to.
  753.   File, AY Logging, Stop
  754.   Stop any current AY logging.
  756.   File, Open SCR Screenshot...
  757.   Load an SCR screenshot (essentially just a binary dump of the
  758.   Spectrum's video memory) onto the current screen. Fuse supports
  759.   screenshots saved in the Timex hi-colour and hi-res modes as
  760.   well as `normal' Spectrum screens, and will make a simple con‐
  761.   version if a hi-colour or hi-res screenshot is loaded onto a
  762.   non-Timex machine.
  764.   File, Save Screen as SCR...
  765.   Save a copy of whatever's currently displayed on the Spectrum's
  766.   screen as an SCR file. You will be prompted for a filename to
  767.   save the screenshot to.
  769.   File, Save Screen as PNG...
  770.   Save the current screen as a PNG file. You will be prompted for
  771.   a filename to save the screenshot to.
  773.   File, Movies, Record Movie as SCR...
  774.   Start recording a `movie' as a series of SCR screenshots. You
  775.   will be prompted for a filename, and the screenshots will then
  776.   be saved to `<name>-frame-000000000.scr',
  777.   `<name>-frame-000000001.scr' and so on.
  779.   File, Movies, Record Movie as PNG...
  780.   Start recording a `movie' as a series of PNG images. The file‐
  781.   names used will be the same as for the SCR movie, but with a
  782.   `.png' extension instead of `.scr'.
  784.   File, Movies, Stop Movie Recording
  785.   Stop any movie recording which is currently in progress.
  787.   File, Load Binary Data...
  788.   Load binary data from a file into the Spectrum's memory. After
  789.   selecting the file to load data from, you can choose where to
  790.   load the data and how much data to load.
  792.   File, Save Binary Data...
  793.   Save an arbitrary chunk of the Spectrum's memory to a file.
  794.   Select the file you wish to save to, followed by the location
  795.   and length of data you wish to save.
  797.   F10
  798.   File, Exit
  799.   Exit the emulator. A confirmation dialog will appear checking
  800.   you actually want to do this.
  802.   F4
  803.   Options, General...
  804.   Display the General Options dialog, letting you configure Fuse.
  805.   (With the widget UI, the keys shown in brackets toggle the
  806.   options, Enter confirms any changes, and Esc aborts). Note that
  807.   any changed settings only apply to the currently-running Fuse.
  809.   The options available are:
  811.   Emulation speed
  812.   Set how fast Fuse will attempt to emulate the Spectrum,
  813.   as a percentage of the speed at which the real machine
  814.   runs. If your machine isn't fast enough to keep up with
  815.   the requested speed, Fuse will just run as fast as it
  816.   can. Note that if the emulation speed is not exactly
  817.   100%, no sound output will be produced.
  819.   Frame rate
  820.   Specify the frame rate, the ratio of spectrum frame
  821.   updates to real frame updates. This is useful if your
  822.   machine is having trouble keeping up with the spectrum
  823.   screen updates.
  825.   Issue 2 keyboard
  826.   Early versions of the Spectrum used a different value for
  827.   unused bits on the keyboard input ports, and a few games
  828.   depended on the old value of these bits. Enabling this
  829.   option switches to the old value, to let you run them.
  831.   Use tape traps
  832.   Ordinarily, Fuse intercepts calls to the ROM tape-loading
  833.   routine in order to load from tape files more quickly
  834.   when possible. But this can (rarely) interfere with TZX
  835.   loading; disabling this option avoids the problem at the
  836.   cost of slower (i.e. always real-time) tape-loading.
  837.   When tape-loading traps are disabled, you need to start
  838.   tape playback manually, by pressing F8 or choosing the
  839.   Media, Tape, Play menu item. Fuse also uses tape traps to
  840.   intercept the tape-saving routine in the ROM to save tape
  841.   files quickly, tapes can also be saved using the Media,
  842.   Tape, Record Start menu item.
  844.   Fastloading
  845.   If this option is enabled, then Fuse will run at the
  846.   fastest possible speed when the virtual tape is playing,
  847.   thus dramatically reducing the time it takes to load pro‐
  848.   grams. You may wish to disable this option if you wish to
  849.   stop the tape at a specific point.
  851.   Detect loaders
  852.   If this option is enabled, Fuse will attempt to detect
  853.   when a loading routine is in progress, and then automati‐
  854.   cally start the virtual tape to load the program in. This
  855.   is done by using a heuristic to identify a loading rou‐
  856.   tine, so is by no means infallible, but works in most
  857.   cases.
  859.   Auto-load media
  860.   On many occasions when you open a tape or disk file, it's
  861.   because it's got a program in you want to load and run.
  862.   If this option is selected, this will automatically hap‐
  863.   pen for you when you open one of these files using the
  864.   File, Open... menu option - you must then use the Media
  865.   menu to use tapes or disks for saving data to, or for
  866.   loading data into an already running program.
  868.   Use .slt traps
  869.   The multi-load aspect of SLT files requires a trap
  870.   instruction to be supported. This instruction is not gen‐
  871.   erally used except for this trap, but since it's not
  872.   inconceivable that a program could be wanting to use the
  873.   real instruction instead, you can choose whether to sup‐
  874.   port the trap or not.
  876.   Allow writes to ROM
  877.   If this option is selected, Fuse will happily allow pro‐
  878.   grams to overwrite what would normally be ROM. This prob‐
  879.   ably isn't very useful in most circumstances, especially
  880.   as the 48K ROM overwrites parts of itself.
  882.   Auto-save settings
  883.   If this option is selected, Fuse will automatically write
  884.   its currently selected options to its configuration file
  885.   on exit (if libxml2 was available when Fuse was com‐
  886.   piled). If you turn this option off, you'll have to manu‐
  887.   ally use Options, Save afterwards to ensure that this
  888.   setting gets written to Fuse's configuration file.
  890.   MDR cartridge len
  891.   This option controls the number of blocks in a new Micro‐
  892.   drive cartridge. If the value smaller than 4 or greater
  893.   than 254 Fuse assumes 4 or 254.
  895.   RS-232 handshake
  896.   If you turn this option off, Fuse assumes the RS-232 line
  897.   other end is live when you connect the communication
  898.   channels. See also the `–rs232-rx–rs232-tx' options.
  900.   Black and white TV
  901.   This option allows you to choose whether to simulate a
  902.   colour or black and white television. This is effective
  903.   only under the GTK+, Xlib and SDL user interfaces: the
  904.   others will always simulate a colour TV.
  906.   PAL-TV use TV2x effect
  907.   This option allows you to choose whether the PAL TV 2x
  908.   and higher scalers also reproduce scanlines in the same
  909.   way as the TV 2x, 3x and Timex TV scalers.
  911.   Confirm actions
  912.   Specify whether `dangerous' actions (those which could
  913.   cause data loss, for example resetting the Spectrum)
  914.   require confirmation before occurring.
  916.   Show statusbar
  917.   For the GTK+ UI, enables the statusbar beneath the dis‐
  918.   play. For the SDL UI, enables the status icons showing
  919.   whether the disk and tape are being accessed. This option
  920.   has no effect for the other user interfaces.
  922.   Snap joystick prompt
  923.   If set, Fuse will prompt you which physical joystick or
  924.   keyboard you want to connect to the joystick interface
  925.   enabled in the snapshot unless it already matches your
  926.   current configuration.
  928.   Late timings
  929.   If selected, Fuse will cause all screen-related timings
  930.   (for example, when the screen is rendered and when memory
  931.   contention occurs) to be one tstate later than "normal",
  932.   an effect which is present on some real hardware.
  934.   Options, Sound...
  935.   Display the Sound Options dialog, letting you configure Fuse's
  936.   sound output. (With the widget UI, the keys shown in brackets
  937.   toggle the options, Enter confirms any changes, and Esc aborts).
  938.   Note that any changed settings only apply to the currently-run‐
  939.   ning Fuse.
  941.   Sound enabled
  942.   Specify whether sound output should be enabled at all.
  943.   When this option is disabled, Fuse will not make any
  944.   sound.
  946.   Loading sound
  947.   Normally, Fuse emulates tape-loading noise when loading
  948.   from TAPs or TZXs in real-time, albeit at a deliberately
  949.   lower volume than on a real Spectrum. You can disable
  950.   this option to eliminate the loading noise entirely.
  952.   AY stereo separation
  953.   By default, the sound output is mono, since this is all
  954.   you got from an unmodified Spectrum. But enabling this
  955.   option gives you so-called ACB stereo (for sound from the
  956.   128's AY-3-8912 sound chip). This actually works a little
  957.   better than ACB stereo modifications for the machine
  958.   itself, since it uses stereo positioning rather than sim‐
  959.   ply playing on one channel only.
  961.   Beeper pseudo-stereo
  962.   The Spectrum beeper is inherently mono, but enabling this
  963.   option adds a simple fake-stereo effect. While the slight
  964.   echo involved can sometimes make beeper noise sound
  965.   worse, in many cases it gives an acceptable result.
  967.   Force 8-bit
  968.   Force the use of 8-bit sound even if 16-bit (the default)
  969.   is available. Note that (when the option is enabled) if
  970.   8-bit sound isn't available then there will be no sound
  971.   at all, so it's best not to use this option unless you
  972.   have a specific need for it.
  974.   Hi-fi beeper
  975.   Use higher fidelity sound generation to improve the
  976.   reproduction of some multi-channel beeper tunes by reduc‐
  977.   ing aliasing noise (e.g. Fairlight 2).
  979.   Options, Peripherals...
  980.   Display the Peripherals Options dialog, letting you configure
  981.   the peripherals which Fuse will consider to be attached to the
  982.   emulated machines. (With the widget UI, the keys shown in brack‐
  983.   ets toggle the options, Enter confirms any changes, and Esc
  984.   aborts). Note that any changed settings only apply to the cur‐
  985.   rently-running Fuse.
  987.   Kempston joystick
  988.   If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate a Kempston
  989.   joystick interface (probably the most widely supported
  990.   type on the Spectrum). Note that this option is basi‐
  991.   cally equivalent to plugging the interface itself into a
  992.   Spectrum, not to connecting a joystick; this affects how
  993.   the Spectrum responds to a read of input port 31. To use
  994.   a Kempston joystick in a game, this option must be
  995.   enabled, and you must also select a Kempston joystick the
  996.   Options, Joysticks menu.
  998.   Kempston mouse
  999.   If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate a Kempston
  1000.   mouse interface.
  1002.   If you're using Fuse full-screen, your mouse is automati‐
  1003.   cally used as if attached to the Kempston interface. Oth‐
  1004.   erwise, you'll need to click on the Spectrum display in
  1005.   order to tell Fuse to grab the pointer (and make it
  1006.   invisible); to tell Fuse to release it, click the middle
  1007.   button (or wheel) or press Escape.
  1009.   With the framebuffer UI, Fuse prefers to use GPM; if this
  1010.   is not available, it will fall back to built-in PS/2
  1011.   mouse support. In this mode, it tries /dev/input/mice,
  1012.   /dev/mouse then /dev/psaux, stopping when it successfully
  1013.   opens one. The first of these is preferred since (at
  1014.   least on Linux, with a 2.6-series kernel) any type of
  1015.   mouse can be used and any connected mouse may be used.
  1017.   Interface I
  1018.   If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the simple
  1019.   Sinclair Interface I, and allow Microdrive cartridges to
  1020.   be connected and disconnected via the Media, Interface I,
  1021.   Microdrive menus. It also enables support for the Inter‐
  1022.   face I RS-232 interface.
  1024.   Interface II
  1025.   If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate a cartridge
  1026.   port as found on the Interface II. Cartridges can then be
  1027.   inserted and removed via the Media, Cartridge, Interface
  1028.   II menu. Note that the Pentagon, Scorpion, Interface II,
  1029.   ZXATASP and ZXCF all use the same hardware mechanism for
  1030.   accessing some of their extended features, so only one of
  1031.   these should be selected at once or unpredictable behav‐
  1032.   iour will occur.
  1034.   Emulate printers
  1035.   If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate a printer.
  1036.   See the PRINTER EMULATION section for more details.
  1038.   Simple 8-bit IDE
  1039.   If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the simple
  1040.   8-bit IDE interface as used by the Spectrum +3e, and
  1041.   allow hard disks to be connected and disconnected via the
  1042.   Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit menu.
  1044.   ZXATASP interface
  1045.   If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the ZXATASP
  1046.   interface, which provides both additional RAM and an IDE
  1047.   interface. See the ZXATASP AND ZXCF section for more
  1048.   details.
  1050.   ZXATASP upload
  1051.   This option controls the state of the ZXATASP upload
  1052.   jumper. See the ZXATASP AND ZXCF section for more
  1053.   details.
  1055.   ZXATASP write protect
  1056.   This option controls the state of the ZXATASP write pro‐
  1057.   tect jumper. See the ZXATASP AND ZXCF section for more
  1058.   details.
  1060.   ZXCF interface
  1061.   If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the ZXCF
  1062.   interface, which provides both additional RAM and a Com‐
  1063.   pactFlash interface. See the ZXATASP AND ZXCF section for
  1064.   more details.
  1066.   ZXCF upload
  1067.   This option controls the state of the ZXCF upload jumper.
  1068.   See the ZXATASP AND ZXCF section for more details.
  1070.   DivIDE interface
  1071.   If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the DivIDE
  1072.   interface. See the DIVIDE section for more details.
  1074.   DivIDE write protect
  1075.   This option controls the state of the DivIDE write pro‐
  1076.   tection jumper. See the DIVIDE section for more details.
  1078.   +D interface
  1079.   If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the +D
  1080.   interface. See the +D EMULATION section for more
  1081.   details.
  1083.   Beta 128 interface
  1084.   If this option is selected, Fuse will emulate the Beta
  1085.   128 interface. See the BETA 128 EMULATION section for
  1086.   more details. Beta 128 emulation is enabled for the Pen‐
  1087.   tagon and Scorpion machines regardless of this option.
  1089.   Options, RZX...
  1090.   Display the RZX Options dialog, letting you configure how Fuse's
  1091.   deals with RZX input recordings. (With the widget UI, the keys
  1092.   shown in brackets toggle the options, Enter confirms any
  1093.   changes, and Esc aborts). Note that any changed settings only
  1094.   apply to the currently-running Fuse.
  1096.   Create autosaves
  1097.   If this option is selected, Fuse will add a snapshot into
  1098.   the recording stream every 5 seconds while creating an
  1099.   RZX file, thus enabling the rollback facilities to be
  1100.   used without having to explicitly add snapshots into the
  1101.   stream. Older snapshots will be pruned from the stream to
  1102.   keep the file size and number of snapshots down: each
  1103.   snapshot up to 15 seconds will be kept, then one snapshot
  1104.   every 15 seconds until one minute, then one snapshot
  1105.   every minute until 5 minutes, and then one snapshot every
  1106.   5 minutes. Note that this "pruning" applies only to auto‐
  1107.   matically inserted snapshots: snapshots manually inserted
  1108.   into the stream will never be pruned.
  1110.   Compress RZX data
  1111.   If this option is selected, and zlib was available when
  1112.   Fuse was compiled, any RZX files written by Fuse will be
  1113.   compressed. This is generally a good thing as it makes
  1114.   the files significantly smaller, and you probably want to
  1115.   turn it off only if you're debugging the RZX files or
  1116.   there's some other program which doesn't support com‐
  1117.   pressed RZX files.
  1119.   Competition mode
  1120.   Any input recordings which are started when this option
  1121.   is selected will be made in `competition mode'. In
  1122.   essence, this means that Fuse will act just like a real
  1123.   Spectrum would: you can't load snapshots, pause the emu‐
  1124.   lation in any way, change the speed or anything that you
  1125.   couldn't do on the real machine. If any of these things
  1126.   are attempted, or if the emulated Fuse is running more
  1127.   than 5% faster or slower than normal Spectrum speed, then
  1128.   the recording will immediately be stopped.
  1130.   If libgcrypt was available when Fuse was compiled, then
  1131.   recordings made with competition mode active will be dig‐
  1132.   itally signed, in theory to `certify' that it was made
  1133.   with the above restrictions in place. However, this pro‐
  1134.   cedure is not secure (and cannot be made so), so the
  1135.   presence of any signature on an RZX file should not be
  1136.   taken as providing proof that it was made with competi‐
  1137.   tion mode active. This feature is included in Fuse
  1138.   solely as it was one of the requirements for Fuse to be
  1139.   used in an on-line tournament.
  1141.   Competition code
  1142.   The numeric code entered here will be written into any
  1143.   RZX files made in competition mode. This is another fea‐
  1144.   ture for on-line tournaments which can be used to `prove'
  1145.   that the recording was made after a specific code was
  1146.   released. If you're not playing in such a tournament, you
  1147.   can safely ignore this option.
  1149.   Always embed snapshot
  1150.   Specify whether a snapshot should be embedded in an RZX
  1151.   file when recording is started from an existing snapshot.
  1153.   Options, Joysticks
  1154.   Fuse can emulate many of the common types of joystick which were
  1155.   available for the Spectrum. The input for these emulated joy‐
  1156.   sticks can be taken from real joysticks attached to the emulat‐
  1157.   ing machine (configured via the Options, Joysticks, Joystick
  1158.   1... and Options, Joysticks, Joystick 2... options), or from
  1159.   the q, a, o, p, and Space keys on the emulating machines key‐
  1160.   board, configured via the Options, Joysticks, Keyboard...
  1161.   option. Note that when using the keyboard to emulate a joystick,
  1162.   the q, a, o, p, and Space keys will not have their normal effect
  1163.   (to avoid problems with games which do things like use p for
  1164.   pause when using a joystick).
  1166.   Each of the joysticks (including the `fake' keyboard joystick)
  1167.   can be configured to emulate any one of the following joystick
  1168.   types:
  1170.   None
  1171.   No joystick: any input will simply be ignored.
  1173.   Cursor
  1174.   A cursor joystick, equivalent to pressing 5
  1175.   (left), 6 (down), 7 (up), 8 (right), and 0 (fire).
  1177.   Kempston
  1178.   A Kempston joystick, read from input port 31. Note
  1179.   that the Options, Peripherals, Kempston interface
  1180.   option must also be set for the input to be recog‐
  1181.   nised.
  1183.   Sinclair 1
  1184.   Sinclair 2
  1185.   The `left' and `right' Sinclair joysticks, equiva‐
  1186.   lent to pressing 1 (left), 2 (right), 3 (down), 4
  1187.   (up), and 5 (fire), or 6 (left), 7 (right), 8
  1188.   (down), 9 (up), and 0 (fire) respectively.
  1190.   Timex 1
  1191.   Timex 2
  1192.   The `left' and `right' joysticks as attached to
  1193.   the Timex 2068 variant's built-in joystick inter‐
  1194.   face.
  1196.   For the real joysticks, it is also possible to configure
  1197.   (although currently only when using the GTK+ interface) what
  1198.   effect each button on the joystick will have: this can be Joy‐
  1199.   stick Fire, equivalent to pressing the emulated joystick's fire
  1200.   button, Nothing, meaning to have no effect, or any Spectrum key,
  1201.   meaning that pressing that button will be equivalent to pressing
  1202.   that Spectrum key.
  1204.   Options, Select ROMs
  1205.   An individual dialog is available for each Spectrum variant emu‐
  1206.   lated by Fuse which allows selection of the ROM(s) used by that
  1207.   machine. Simply select the ROM you wish to use, and then reset
  1208.   the Spectrum for the change to take effect.
  1210.   Options, Filter...
  1211.   Select the graphics filter currently in use. See the GRAPHICS
  1212.   FILTERS section for more details.
  1214.   Options, Save
  1215.   If libxml2 was available when Fuse was compiled, this will cause
  1216.   Fuse's current options to be written to .fuserc in your home
  1217.   directory, from which they will be picked up again when Fuse is
  1218.   restarted. The best way to update this file is by using this
  1219.   option, but it's a simple XML file and shouldn't be too hard to
  1220.   edit by hand if you really want to.
  1222.   Pause
  1223.   Machine, Pause
  1224.   Pause or unpause emulation. This option is available only under
  1225.   the GTK+ UI; to pause the other user interfaces, simply press F1
  1226.   to bring up the main menu.
  1228.   F5
  1229.   Machine, Reset
  1230.   Reset the emulated Spectrum. Again, you get a chance to cancel
  1231.   this if you're using the GTK+ UI.
  1233.   Machine, Hard reset
  1234.   Reset the emulated Spectrum. A hard reset is equivalent to turn‐
  1235.   ing the Spectrum's power off, and then turning it back on.
  1236.   Again, you get a chance to cancel this if you're using the GTK+
  1237.   UI.
  1239.   F9
  1240.   Machine, Select...
  1241.   Choose a type of Spectrum to emulate. An brief overview of the
  1242.   Sinclair, Amstrad and Timex can be found at
  1244.   trum.htm while more technical information can be found at
  1245., and
  1248.   Spectrum 16K
  1249.   Spectrum 48K
  1250.   The original machines as released by Sinclair in 1982
  1251.   with 16 or 48K of RAM respectively.
  1253.   Spectrum 128K
  1254.   The 128K machine as released by Sinclair in 1985 (Spain)
  1255.   or 1986 (UK).
  1257.   Spectrum +2
  1258.   The first machine released by Amstrad, in 1986. From an
  1259.   emulation point of view, the +2 is virtually identical to
  1260.   the 128K.
  1262.   Spectrum +2A
  1263.   Spectrum +3
  1264.   The two machines released by Amstrad in 1988. Technically
  1265.   very similar to each other, except that the +3 features a
  1266.   3" disk drive while the +2A does not.
  1268.   Spectrum +3e
  1269.   A +3 with modified ROMs allowing access to IDE hard disks
  1270.   via the simple 8-bit interface, as activated from the
  1271.   Options, Peripherals dialog. See
  1272. for more details.
  1274.   Timex TC2048
  1275.   Timex TC2068
  1276.   The variants of the Spectrum as released by Timex in Por‐
  1277.   tugal.
  1278.   Timex TS2068
  1279.   The variant of the Spectrum released by Timex in North
  1280.   America.
  1282.   Pentagon 128K
  1283.   Russian clone of the Spectrum. There were many different
  1284.   machines called Pentagon from 1989 to 2006, this machine
  1285.   corresponds to a 1991 era Pentagon-128K with the optional
  1286.   AY sound chip and the integrated Beta 128 disk interface,
  1287.   and is the version of the machine most often emulated.
  1288.   More technical details can be found at‐
  1291.   Pentagon 512K
  1292.   Pentagon 1024K
  1293.   Newer versions of the Pentagon Russian Spectrum clones
  1294.   which incorporate more memory and the "Mr Gluk Reset Ser‐
  1295.   vice" ROM offering a more powerful firmware.
  1297.   Scorpion ZS 256
  1298.   Another Russian clone of the Spectrum. Some details can
  1299.   be found at‐
  1300.   faq/index.html, like all the Russian clones they they
  1301.   have built in 3.5" disk drives, accessed via the Beta 128
  1302.   disk interface and TR-DOS (the Technology Research Disk
  1303.   Operating System). The most important distinction from
  1304.   the Pentagon 128k and similar machines is the display
  1305.   timing details.
  1307.   Spectrum SE
  1308.   A recent variant designed by Andrew Owen and Jarek
  1309.   Adamski, which is possibly best thought of as a cross
  1310.   between the 128K machine and the Timex variants, allowing
  1311.   272K of RAM to be accessed. Some more details are avail‐
  1312.   able at‐
  1313.   ence/sereference.htm.
  1315.   Machine, Debugger...
  1316.   Start the monitor/debugger. See the MONITOR/DEBUGGER section for
  1317.   more information.
  1319.   Machine, Poke Finder...
  1320.   Start the `poke finder'. See the POKE FINDER section for more
  1321.   information.
  1323.   Machine, Memory Browser...
  1324.   Start the memory browser. It should be fairly obvious what this
  1325.   does; perhaps the only thing worth noting is that emulation is
  1326.   paused until you close the window.
  1328.   Machine, NMI
  1329.   Sends a non-maskable interrupt to the emulated Spectrum. Due to
  1330.   a typo in the standard 48K ROM, this will cause a reset, but
  1331.   modified ROMs are available which make use of this feature. When
  1332.   the +D is emulated, this is used to access the +D's screenshot
  1333.   and snapshot features (see the +D EMULATION section below).
  1335.   F7
  1336.   Media, Tape, Open...
  1337.   Choose a TAP or TZX virtual-tape file to load from. See the FILE
  1338.   SELECTION section below for details on how to choose the file.
  1339.   If Auto-load media is set in the General Options dialog (as it
  1340.   is by default), you may use the File, Open... menu option
  1341.   instead, and the tape will begin loading automatically. Other‐
  1342.   wise, you have to start the load in the emulated machine (with
  1343.   LOAD "" or the 128's Tape Loader option, though you may need to
  1344.   reset first).
  1346.   To guarantee that TZX files will load properly, you should
  1347.   select the file, make sure tape-loading traps are disabled in
  1348.   the General Options dialog, then press F8 (or do Media, Tape,
  1349.   Play). That said, most TZXs will work with tape-loading traps
  1350.   enabled (often quickly loading partway, then loading the rest
  1351.   real-time), so you might want to try it that way first.
  1353.   F8
  1354.   Media, Tape, Play
  1355.   Start playing the TAP or TZX file, if required. (Choosing the
  1356.   option (or pressing F8) again pauses playback, and a further
  1357.   press resumes). To explain - if tape-loading traps have been
  1358.   disabled (in the General Options dialog), starting the loading
  1359.   process in the emulated machine isn't enough. You also have to
  1360.   `press play', so to speak :-), and this is how you do that. You
  1361.   may also need to `press play' like this in certain other circum‐
  1362.   stances, e.g. TZXs containing multi-load games may have a stop-
  1363.   the-tape request (which Fuse obeys).
  1365.   Media, Tape, Browse
  1366.   Browse through the current tape. A brief display of each of the
  1367.   data blocks on the current tape will appear, from which you can
  1368.   select which block Fuse will play next. With the GTK+ UI, emula‐
  1369.   tion will continue while the browser is displayed; double-click‐
  1370.   ing on a block will select it. In the other UIs, emulation is
  1371.   paused and you can use the cursor keys and press Enter to select
  1372.   it. If you decide you don't want to change block, just press
  1373.   Escape.
  1375.   Media, Tape, Rewind
  1376.   Rewind the current virtual tape, so it can be read again from
  1377.   the beginning.
  1379.   Media, Tape, Clear
  1380.   Clear the current virtual tape. This is particularly useful when
  1381.   you want a `clean slate' to add newly-saved files to, before
  1382.   doing Media, Tape, Write... (or F6).
  1384.   F6
  1385.   Media, Tape, Write...
  1386.   Write the current virtual-tape contents to a TZX file. You will
  1387.   be prompted for a filename. The virtual-tape contents are the
  1388.   contents of the previously-loaded tape (if any has been loaded
  1389.   since you last did a Media, Tape, Clear), followed by anything
  1390.   you've saved from the emulated machine since. These newly-saved
  1391.   files are not written to any tape file until you choose this
  1392.   option!
  1394.   Media, Tape, Record Start
  1395.   Starts directly recording the output from the emulated Spectrum
  1396.   to the current virtual-tape. This is useful when you want to
  1397.   record using a non-standard ROM or from a custom save routine.
  1398.   Most tape operations are disabled during recording. Stop record‐
  1399.   ing with the Media, Tape, Write... menu option.
  1401.   Media, Tape, Record Stop
  1402.   Stops the direct recording and places the new recording into the
  1403.   virtual-tape.
  1405.   Media, Interface I
  1406.   Virtual Microdrive images are accessible only when the Interface
  1407.   I is active from the Options, Peripherals menu. Note that any
  1408.   changes to the Microdrive image will not be written to the file
  1409.   on disk until the appropriate `eject and write' option is used.
  1411.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 1, Insert New
  1412.   Insert a new (unformatted) Microdrive cartridge into emulated
  1413.   Microdrive 1.
  1415.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 1, Insert...
  1416.   Insert an existing Microdrive cartridge image into emulated
  1417.   Microdrive 1. You will be prompted for a filename.
  1419.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 1, Eject
  1420.   Eject the Microdrive image in Microdrive 1. If the image has
  1421.   been modified, you will be asked as to whether you want any
  1422.   changes saved.
  1424.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 1, Eject and write...
  1425.   Write the Microdrive image in Microdrive 1 to a file, and then
  1426.   eject the image. You will be prompted for a filename.
  1428.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 1, Write protect, Enable
  1429.   Enable the write protect tab for the image in Microdrive 1.
  1431.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 1, Write protect, Disable
  1432.   Disable the write protect tab for the image in Microdrive 1.
  1434.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 2, ...
  1435.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 3, ...
  1436.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 4, ...
  1437.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 5, ...
  1438.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 6, ...
  1439.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 7, ...
  1440.   Media, Interface I, Microdrive 8, ...
  1441.   Equivalent options for the other emulated Microdrives.
  1443.   Media, Interface I, RS232, Plug RxD
  1444.   Media, Interface I, RS232, Unplug RxD
  1445.   Media, Interface I, RS232, Plug TxD
  1446.   Media, Interface I, RS232, Unplug TxD
  1447.   Connect or disconnect a communication channels (FIFO or file) to
  1448.   use as the RS-232 TxD or RxD wire.
  1450.   Media, Disk
  1451.   Virtual floppy disk images are accessible when emulating a +3,
  1452.   +3e, Pentagon or Scorpion, or when the Beta 128 or +D interface
  1453.   options are enabled and a machine compatible with the chosen
  1454.   interface is selected. (See THE .DSK FORMAT, BETA 128 EMULATION
  1455.   and +D EMULATION sections below for notes on the file formats
  1456.   supported).
  1458.   Once again, any changes made to a disk image will not affect the
  1459.   file which was `inserted' into the drive. If you do want to keep
  1460.   any changes, use the appropriate `eject and write' option before
  1461.   exiting Fuse.
  1463.   Media, Disk, +3, Drive A:, Insert...
  1464.   Select a disk-image file to read/write in the +3's emulated
  1465.   drive A:.
  1467.   Media, Disk, +3, Drive A:, Eject
  1468.   Deselect the disk image currently in the +3's emulated drive A:
  1469.   - or from the emulated machine's perspective, eject it. Note
  1470.   that any changes made to the image will not be saved.
  1472.   Media, Disk, +3, Drive A:, Eject and write...
  1473.   Deselect the disk image currently in the +3's drive A: and write
  1474.   the current state of the disk to a file. You will be prompted
  1475.   for a filename.
  1477.   Media, Disk, +3, Drive B:, Insert...
  1478.   As above, but for the +3's drive B:. Fuse emulates drive B: as a
  1479.   second 3" drive.
  1481.   Media, Disk, +3, Drive B:, Eject
  1482.   As above, but for drive B:.
  1484.   Media, Disk, +3, Drive B:, Eject and write
  1485.   As above, but for drive B:.
  1487.   Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Insert New
  1488.   Insert a new (unformatted) disk into the emulated Beta drive A:.
  1490.   Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Insert...
  1491.   Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Eject
  1492.   Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Eject and write...
  1493.   As above, but for the emulated Beta disk drive A:.
  1495.   Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Write protect, Enable
  1496.   Enable the write protect tab for the image in Beta drive A:.
  1498.   Media, Disk, Beta, Drive A:, Write protect, Disable
  1499.   Disable the write protect tab for the image in Beta drive A:.
  1501.   Media, Disk, Beta, Drive B:, ...
  1502.   Media, Disk, Beta, Drive C:, ...
  1503.   Media, Disk, Beta, Drive D:, ...
  1504.   As above, but for the remaining emulated Beta disk interface
  1505.   drives.
  1507.   Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Insert New
  1508.   Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Insert...
  1509.   Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Eject
  1510.   Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Eject and write...
  1511.   Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Write protect, Enable
  1512.   Media, Disk, +D, Drive 1, Write protect, Disable
  1513.   Media, Disk, +D, Drive 2, ...
  1514.   As above, but for the emulated +D drives.
  1516.   Media, Cartridge, Timex Dock, Insert...
  1517.   Insert a cartridge into the Timex 2068 dock. This will cause the
  1518.   emulated machine to be changed to the TC2068 (if it wasn't
  1519.   already a 2068 variant) and reset.
  1521.   Media, Cartridge, Timex Dock, Eject
  1522.   Remove the cartridge from the Timex 2068 dock. This will cause
  1523.   the emulated machine to be reset.
  1525.   Media, Cartridge, Interface II, Insert...
  1526.   Insert a cartridge into the Interface II cartridge slot. This
  1527.   will cause the emulated machine to be reset and the cartridge
  1528.   loaded.
  1530.   Media, Cartridge, Interface II, Eject...
  1531.   Remove the cartridge from the Interface II cartridge slot. This
  1532.   will cause the emulated machine to be reset.
  1534.   Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master, Insert...
  1535.   Connect an IDE hard disk to the simple 8-bit interface's master
  1536.   channel.
  1538.   Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master, Commit
  1539.   Cause any writes which have been done to virtual hard disk
  1540.   attached to the simple 8-bit interface's master channel to be
  1541.   committed to the real disk, such that they survive the virtual
  1542.   disk being ejected.
  1544.   Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master, Eject
  1545.   Eject the virtual hard disk from the simple 8-bit interface's
  1546.   master channel. Note that any writes to the virtual hard disk
  1547.   will be lost unless the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master, Commit
  1548.   option is used before the disk is ejected.
  1550.   Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Slave, Insert...
  1551.   Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Slave, Commit
  1552.   Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Slave, Eject
  1553.   The same as the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master entries above,
  1554.   but for the simple 8-bit interface's slave channel.
  1556.   Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Master, Insert...
  1557.   Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Master, Commit
  1558.   Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Master, Eject
  1559.   Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Slave, Insert...
  1560.   Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Slave, Commit
  1561.   Media, IDE, ZXATASP, Slave, Eject
  1562.   The same as the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master entries above,
  1563.   but for the two channels of the ZXATASP interface.
  1565.   Media, IDE, ZXCF CompactFlash, Insert...
  1566.   Media, IDE, ZXCF CompactFlash, Commit
  1567.   Media, IDE, ZXCF CompactFlash, Eject
  1568.   The same as the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit, Master entries above,
  1569.   but for the ZXCF interface's CompactFlash slot.
  1571.   Media, IDE, DivIDE, Master, Insert...
  1572.   Media, IDE, DivIDE, Master, Commit
  1573.   Media, IDE, DivIDE, Eject
  1574.   Media, IDE, DivIDE, Slave, Insert...
  1575.   Media, IDE, DivIDE, Slave, Commit
  1576.   Media, IDE, DivIDE, Eject
  1577.   The same as the Media, IDE, Simple 8-bit entries above, but for
  1578.   the two channels of the DivIDE interface.
  1580.   Help, Keyboard picture...
  1581.   Display a diagram showing the Spectrum keyboard, and the various
  1582.   keywords that can be generated with each key from (48K) BASIC.
  1583.   Under the GTK+ UI, this will appear in a separate window and
  1584.   emulation continues. With the other UIs, the picture remains
  1585.   onscreen (and the emulator paused) until you press Esc or Enter.
  1588.   When emulating the Spectrum, keys F1 to F10 are used as shortcuts for
  1589.   various menu items, as described above. The alphanumeric keys (along
  1590.   with Enter and Space) are mapped as-is to the Spectrum keys. The other
  1591.   key mappings are:
  1593.   Shift emulated as Caps Shift
  1595.   Control, Alt, and Meta
  1596.   emulated as Symbol Shift (most other modifiers are also mapped
  1597.   to this)
  1599.   Backspace
  1600.   emulated as Caps-0 (Delete)
  1602.   Esc emulated as Caps-1 (Edit)
  1604.   Caps Lock
  1605.   emulated as Caps-2
  1607.   Cursor keys
  1608.   emulated as Caps-5/6/7/8 (as appropriate)
  1610.   Tab emulated as Caps Shift-Symbol Shift (Extended Mode)
  1612.   Some further punctuation keys are supported, if they exist on your key‐
  1613.   board - `,', `.', `/', `;', `'', `#', `-', and `='. These are mapped
  1614.   to the appropriate symbol-shifted keys on the Spectrum.
  1616.   A list of keys applicable when using the file selection dialogs is
  1617.   given in the FILE SELECTION section below.
  1620.   Some of Fuse's UIs allow resizing of the emulated Spectrum's display.
  1621.   For the window-based ones (GTK+ and Xlib), you can resize the window
  1622.   by, well, resizing it. :-) Exactly how this works depends on your win‐
  1623.   dow manager; you may have to make the window over twice the width and
  1624.   height of the original size before it actually scales up. Fuse attempts
  1625.   to keep the window `square', but with some window managers this can
  1626.   mean the window will never resize at all. If you experience this prob‐
  1627.   lem, the `–no-aspect-hint' option may help.
  1629.   If you're using the SDL UI under X11, the window will automatically
  1630.   resize to be the correct size for the graphics filter selected.
  1633.   Fuse has the ability to apply essentially arbitrary filters between
  1634.   building its image of the Spectrum's screen, and displaying it on the
  1635.   emulating machine's monitor. These filters can be used to do various
  1636.   forms of smoothing, emulation of TV scanlines and various other possi‐
  1637.   bilities. Support for graphics filters varies between the different
  1638.   user interfaces, but there are two general classes: the GTK+, Xlib and
  1639.   SDL user interfaces (and the saving of .png screenshots) support
  1640.   `interpolating' filters which use a palette larger than the Spectrum's
  1641.   16 colours, while the SVGAlib user interface supports only `non-inter‐
  1642.   polating' filters. The framebuffer user interface currently does not
  1643.   support filters at all.
  1645.   A further complication arises due to the fact that the Timex machines
  1646.   have their high-resolution video mode with twice the horizontal resolu‐
  1647.   tion. To deal with this, Fuse treats these machines as having a `nor‐
  1648.   mal' display size which is twice the size of a normal Spectrum's
  1649.   screen, leading to a different set of filters being available for these
  1650.   machines. Note that any of the double or triple-sizing filters are
  1651.   available for Timex machines only when using the SDL user interface.
  1653.   The available filters, along with their short name used to select them
  1654.   from the command line, are:
  1656.   Timex half (smoothed) (half)
  1657.   Timex half (skipping) (halfskip)
  1658.   Two Timex-machine specific filters which scale the screen down
  1659.   to half normal (Timex) size; that is, the same size as a normal
  1660.   Spectrum screen. The difference between these two filters is in
  1661.   how they handle the high-resolution mode: the `smoothed' version
  1662.   is an interpolating filter which averages pairs of adjacent pix‐
  1663.   els, while the `skipping' version is a non-interpolating filter
  1664.   which simply drops every other pixel.
  1666.   Normal (normal)
  1667.   The simplest filter: just display one pixel for every pixel on
  1668.   the Spectrum's screen.
  1670.   Double size (2x)
  1671.   Scale the displayed screen up to double size.
  1673.   Triple size (3x)
  1674.   Scale the displayed screen up to triple size. Available only
  1675.   with the GTK+, Xlib and SDL user interfaces or when saving
  1676.   screenshots of non-Timex machines.
  1678.   2xSaI (2xsai)
  1679.   Super 2xSaI (super2xsai)
  1680.   SuperEagle (supereagle)
  1681.   Three interpolating filters which apply successively more
  1682.   smoothing. All three double the size of the displayed screen.
  1684.   AdvMAME2x (advmame2x)
  1685.   A double-sizing, non-interpolating filter which attempts to
  1686.   smooth diagonal lines.
  1688.   AdvMAME3x (advmame3x)
  1689.   Very similar to AdvMAME2x, except that it triples the size of
  1690.   the displayed screen. Available only with the GTK+, Xlib and SDL
  1691.   user interfaces or when saving screenshots of non-Timex
  1692.   machines.
  1694.   TV 2x (tv2x)
  1695.   TV 3x (tv3x)
  1696.   Timex TV (timextv)
  1697.   Three filters which attempt to emulate the effect of television
  1698.   scanlines. The first is a double-sizing filter for non-Timex
  1699.   machines, the second is a similar triple-sizing filter, while
  1700.   the last is a single-sizing filter for Timex machines (note that
  1701.   this means TV 2X and Timex TV produce the same size output).
  1703.   PAL TV(paltv)
  1704.   PAL TV 2x (paltv2x)
  1705.   PAL TV 3x (paltv3x)
  1706.   Three filters which attempt to emulate the effect of the PAL TV
  1707.   system which layers a lower-resolution colour image over the top
  1708.   of a higher-resolution black-and-white image. The filters can
  1709.   also optionally add scanlines like the other TV series scalers.
  1711.   Dot matrix (dotmatrix)
  1712.   A double-sizing filter which emulates the effect of a dot-matrix
  1713.   display.
  1715.   Timex 1.5x (timex15x)
  1716.   An interpolating Timex-specific filter which scales the Timex
  1717.   screen up to 1.5x its usual size (which is therefore 3x the size
  1718.   of a `normal' Spectrum screen). Available only for the GTK+ and
  1719.   SDL user interfaces or when saving screenshots.
  1722.   The emulated Spectrum is, by default, an unmodified 48K Spectrum with a
  1723.   tape player and ZX Printer attached. Oh, and apparently some magical
  1724.   snapshot load/save machine which is probably best glossed over for the
  1725.   sake of the analogy. :-)
  1727.   To emulate different kinds of Spectrum, select the Machine, Select...
  1728.   menu option, or press F9.
  1730.   The Spectrum emulation is paused when any dialogs appear. In the widget
  1731.   UI, it's also paused when menus or the keyboard picture are displayed.
  1734.   The various models of Spectrum supported a range of ways to connect
  1735.   printers, three of which are supported by Fuse. Different printers are
  1736.   made available for the different models:
  1738.   16, 48, TC2048, TC2068, TS2068
  1739.   ZX Printer
  1741.   128/+2/Pentagon
  1742.   Serial printer (text-only)
  1744.   +2A, +3
  1745.   Parallel printer (text-only)
  1747.   If +D emulation is in use and printer emulation is enabled, text-only
  1748.   emulation of the +D's parallel printer interface is provided.
  1750.   Any printout is appended to one (or both) of two files, depending on
  1751.   the printer - these default to printout.txt for text output, and print‐
  1752.   out.pbm for graphics (PBM images are supported by most image viewers
  1753.   and converters). These names can be changed with the –textfile and
  1754.   –graphicsfile options from the command line or configuration file.
  1755.   While the ZX Printer can only output graphically, simulated text output
  1756.   is generated at the same time using a crude sort of OCR based on the
  1757.   current character set (a bit like using SCREEN$). There is currently no
  1758.   support for graphics when using the serial/parallel output, though any
  1759.   escape codes used will be `printed' faithfully. (!)
  1761.   By the way, it's not a good idea to modify the printout.pbm file out‐
  1762.   side of Fuse if you want to continue appending to it. The header needs
  1763.   to have a certain layout for Fuse to be able to continue appending to
  1764.   it correctly, and the file will be overwritten if it can't be appended
  1765.   to.
  1768.   The ZXATASP and ZXCF interfaces are two peripherals designed by Sami
  1769.   Vehmaa which significantly extend the capabilities of the Spectrum.
  1770.   More details on both are available from Sami's homepage,
  1771., but a brief overview is given here.
  1773.   The real ZXATASP comes with either 128K or 512K of RAM and the ability
  1774.   to connect an IDE hard disks and a CompactFlash card, while the ZXCF
  1775.   comes with 128K, 512K or 1024K of RAM and the ability to connect a Com‐
  1776.   pactFlash card. From an emulation point of view, the two interfaces are
  1777.   actually very similar as a CompactFlash card is logically just an IDE
  1778.   hard disk. Currently, Fuse's emulation is fixed at having 512K of RAM
  1779.   in the ZXATASP and 1024K in the ZXCF.
  1781.   To activate the ZXATASP, simply select the ZXATASP interface option
  1782.   from the Options, Peripherals... dialog. The state of the upload and
  1783.   write protect jumpers is then controlled by the ZXATASP upload and
  1784.   ZXATASP write protect options. Similarly, the ZXCF is controlled by the
  1785.   ZXCF interface and ZXCF upload options (the ZXCF write protect is soft‐
  1786.   ware controlled).
  1788.   If you're using either the ZXATASP or ZXCF, you almost certainly want
  1789.   to investigate ResiDOS, the operating system designed for use with the
  1790.   ZXATASP and ZXCF. ResiDOS provides facilities for using the extra RAM,
  1791.   accessing the mass storage devices and a task manager allowing virtu‐
  1792.   ally instant switching between programs on the Spectrum. See
  1793. for more details.
  1795.  DIVIDE
  1796.   The DivIDE is another IDE interface for the Spectrum, of which full
  1797.   details can be found at The interface can
  1798.   be activated via the DivIDE interface option from the Options, Periph‐
  1799.   erals... dialog, and the state of its write protect jumper controlled
  1800.   via the DivIDE write protect option. If you're going to be using the
  1801.   DivIDE, you'll probably want one of the firmwares available from the
  1802.   DivIDE homepage.
  1805.   The way you select a file (whether snapshot or tape file) depends on
  1806.   which UI you're using. So firstly, here's how to use the GTK+ file
  1807.   selector.
  1809.   The selector shows the directories and files in the current directory
  1810.   in two separate subwindows. If either list is too big to fit in the
  1811.   window, you can use the scrollbar to see the rest (by dragging the
  1812.   slider, for example), or you can use Shift-Tab (to move the keyboard
  1813.   focus to a subwindow) and use the cursor keys. To change directory,
  1814.   double-click it.
  1816.   To choose a file to load you can either double-click it, or click it
  1817.   then click Ok. Or click Cancel to abort.
  1819.   If you're using the keyboard, probably the easiest way to use the
  1820.   selector is to just ignore it and type in the name. This isn't as irk‐
  1821.   some as it sounds, since the filename input box has filename completion
  1822.   - type part of a directory or file name, then press Tab. It should
  1823.   complete it. If it was a directory, it moves to that directory; if the
  1824.   completion was ambiguous, it completes as much as possible, and narrows
  1825.   the filenames shown to those which match. You should press Enter when
  1826.   you've finished typing the filename, or Esc to abort.
  1828.   Now, if you're using the widget UI - the one using the Spectrum font -
  1829.   the selector works a bit differently. The files and directories are all
  1830.   listed in a single two-column-wide window (the directories are shown at
  1831.   the top, ending in `/') - the names may be truncated onscreen if
  1832.   they're too long to fit.
  1834.   To move the cursor, you can either use the cursor keys, or the Spectrum
  1835.   equivalents 5/6/7/8, or (similarly) h/j/k/l. For faster movement, the
  1836.   Page Up, Page Down, Home, and End keys are supported and do what you'd
  1837.   expect. To select a file or directory, press Enter. To abort, press
  1838.   Esc.
  1840.   With both selectors, do bear in mind that all files are shown, whether
  1841.   Fuse would be able to load them or not.
  1844.   Firstly, note that the vast majority of this section applies only if
  1845.   you're using the GTK+ user interface; if you're using one of the widget
  1846.   user interfaces, you'll get a very basic monitor which shows the cur‐
  1847.   rent values of the registers and allows you to single step through exe‐
  1848.   cution or continue.
  1850.   If you are using the GTK+ user interface, Fuse features a moderately
  1851.   powerful, completely transparent monitor/debugger, which can be acti‐
  1852.   vated via the Machine, Debugger ... menu option. A debugger window
  1853.   will appear, showing the current state of the emulated machine: the
  1854.   top-left `pane' shows the current state of the Z80 and the last bytes
  1855.   written to any emulated peripherals. The bottom-left pane lists any
  1856.   active breakpoints. Moving right, the next pane shows where the Spec‐
  1857.   trum's 64K memory map (the `W?' and `C?' indicate whether each 8K
  1858.   chunk is writable or contended respectively), and the next a disassem‐
  1859.   bly, which by default starts at the current program counter, although
  1860.   this can be modified either by the `disassemble' command (see below) or
  1861.   by dragging the scrollbar next to it. The next pane shows the current
  1862.   stack, and the final pane any `events' which are due to occur and could
  1863.   affect emulation. Any of these panes can be removed by use of the View
  1864.   menu. Below the displays are an entry box for debugger commands, and
  1865.   five buttons for controlling the debugger:
  1867.   Evaluate
  1868.   Evaluate the command currently in the entry box.
  1870.   Single Step
  1871.   Run precisely one Z80 opcode and then stop emulation again.
  1873.   Continue
  1874.   Restart emulation, but leave the debugger window open. Note that
  1875.   the debugger window will not be updated while emulation is run‐
  1876.   ning.
  1878.   Break
  1879.   Stop emulation and return to the debugger.
  1881.   Close
  1882.   Close the debugger window and restart emulation.
  1884.   Double-clicking on an entry in the stack pane will cause emulation to
  1885.   run until the program counter reaches the value stored at that address,
  1886.   while double-clicking on an entry in the `events' pane will cause emu‐
  1887.   lation to run until that time is reached.
  1889.   The main power of the debugger is via the commands entered into the
  1890.   entry box, which are similar in nature (but definitely not identical to
  1891.   or as powerful as) to those in gdb(1). In general, the debugger is
  1892.   case-insensitive, and numbers will be interpreted as decimal, unless
  1893.   prefixed by either `0x' or `$' when they will be interpreted as hex.
  1894.   Each command can be abbreviated to the portion not in curly braces.
  1896.   ba{se} number
  1897.   Change the debugger window to displaying output in base number.
  1898.   Available values are 10 (decimal) or 16 (hex).
  1900.   br{eakpoint} [address] [condition]
  1901.   Set a breakpoint to stop emulation and return to the debugger
  1902.   whenever an opcode is executed at address and condition evalu‐
  1903.   ates true. If address is omitted, it defaults to the current
  1904.   value of PC.
  1906.   br{eakpoint} p{ort} (r{ead}|w{rite}) port [condition]
  1907.   Set a breakpoint to trigger whenever IO port port is read from
  1908.   or written to and condition evaluates true.
  1910.   br{eakpoint} (r{ead}|w{rite}) [address] [condition]
  1911.   Set a breakpoint to trigger whenever memory location address is
  1912.   read from (other than via an opcode fetch) or written to and
  1913.   condition evaluates true. Address again defaults to the current
  1914.   value of PC if omitted.
  1916.   br{eakpoint} ti{me} time [condition]
  1917.   Set a breakpoint to occur time tstates after the start of the
  1918.   every frame, assuming condition evaluates true (if one is
  1919.   given).
  1921.   br{eakpoint} ev{ent} area:detail [condition]
  1922.   Set a breakpoint to occur when the event specified by
  1923.   area:detail occurs and condition evaluates to true. The events
  1924.   which can be caught are:
  1926.   divide:page
  1927.   divide:unpage
  1928.   The DivIDE interface is paged into or out of memory
  1929.   respectively
  1930.   if1:page
  1931.   if1:unpage
  1932.   The Interface 1 shadow ROM is paged into or out of memory
  1933.   rzx:end
  1934.   An RZX recording finishes playing
  1935.   tape:play
  1936.   tape:stop
  1937.   The emulated tape starts or stops playing
  1938.   zxcf:page
  1939.   zxcf:unpage
  1940.   The ZXCF interface is paged into or out of memory
  1941.   zxatasp:page
  1942.   zxatasp:unpage
  1943.   The ZXATASP interface is paged into or out of memory
  1945.   In all cases, the event can be specified as area:* to catch all
  1946.   events from that area.
  1948.   cl{ear} [address]
  1949.   Remove all breakpoints at address or the current value of PC if
  1950.   address is omitted. Port read/write breakpoints are unaffected.
  1952.   com{mmands} id <newline>
  1953.   <debugger command> <newline>
  1954.   <debugger command> <newline>
  1955.   ...
  1956.   end
  1957.   Set things such that the specified debugger commands will be
  1958.   automatically executed when breakpoint id is triggered. There is
  1959.   currently no user interface for entering multi-line debugger
  1960.   commands, so the only way to specify this command is on the com‐
  1961.   mand-line via the –debugger-command option.
  1963.   cond{ition} id [condition]
  1964.   Set breakpoint id to trigger only when condition is true, or
  1965.   unconditionally if condition is omitted.
  1967.   co{ntinue}
  1968.   Equivalent to the Continue button.
  1970.   del{ete} [id]
  1971.   Remove breakpoint id, or all breakpoints if id is omitted.
  1973.   di{sassemble} address
  1974.   Set the centre panel disassembly to begin at address.
  1976.   ex{it}
  1977.   Exit the emulator immediately.
  1979.   fi{nish}
  1980.   Exit from the current CALL or equivalent. This isn't infallible:
  1981.   it works by setting a temporary breakpoint at the current con‐
  1982.   tents of the stack pointer, so will not function correctly if
  1983.   the code returns to some other point or plays with its stack in
  1984.   other ways. Also, setting this breakpoint doesn't disable other
  1985.   breakpoints, which may trigger before this one. In that case,
  1986.   the temporary breakpoint remains, and the `continue' command can
  1987.   be used to return to it.
  1989.   i{gnore} id count
  1990.   Do not trigger the next count times that breakpoint id would
  1991.   have triggered.
  1993.   n{ext}
  1994.   Step to the opcode following the current one. As with the `fin‐
  1995.   ish' command, this works by setting a temporary breakpoint at
  1996.   the next opcode, so is not infallible.
  1998.   o{ut} port value
  1999.   Write value to IO port port.
  2001.   pr{int} expression
  2002.   Print the value of expression to standard output.
  2004.   se{t} address value
  2005.   Poke value into memory at address.
  2007.   se{t} register value
  2008.   Set the value of the Z80 register register to value.
  2010.   se{t} $variable value
  2011.   Set the value of the debugger variable variable to value.
  2013.   s{tep}
  2014.   Equivalent to the Single Step button.
  2016.   t{breakpoint} [options]
  2017.   This is the same as the `breakpoint' command in its various
  2018.   forms, except that that breakpoint is temporary: it will trigger
  2019.   once and once only, and then be removed.
  2021.   Addresses can be specified in one of two forms: either an absolute
  2022.   addresses, specified by an integer in the range 0x0000 to 0xFFFF or as
  2023.   a `page:offset' combination, which refers to a location offset bytes
  2024.   into into memory bank page, independent of where that bank is currently
  2025.   paged into memory. RAM pages are indicated simply by an integer, while
  2026.   ROMs are prefixed by `R' (e.g. offset 0x1234 in ROM 1 is specified as
  2027.   `R1:0x1234'). Pages selected via the /ROMCS line are prefixed with
  2028.   `C', while the Timex Dock and Exrom use prefixes `D' and `X' respec‐
  2029.   tively. The 48K machines are treated as having a permanent mapping of
  2030.   page 5 at 0x4000, page 2 at 0x8000 and page 0 at 0xC000; the 16K Spec‐
  2031.   trum is treated as having page 5 at 0x4000 and no page at 0x8000 and
  2032.   0xC000.
  2034.   Anywhere the debugger is expecting a numeric value, except where it
  2035.   expects a breakpoint id, you can instead use a numeric expression,
  2036.   which uses a restricted version of C's syntax; exactly the same syntax
  2037.   is used for conditional breakpoints, with `0' being false and any other
  2038.   value being true. In numeric expressions, you can use integer constants
  2039.   (all calculations are done in integers), register names (which simply
  2040.   evaluate to the value of the register), debugger variables, parenthe‐
  2041.   ses, the standard four numeric operations (`+', `-', `*' and `/'), the
  2042.   (non-)equality operators `==' and `!=', the comparison operators `>',
  2043.   `<', `>=' and `<=', bitwise and (`&'), or (`|') and exclusive or (`^')
  2044.   and logical and (`&&') and or (`||').
  2047.   The `poke finder' is a tool which is designed to make the task of find‐
  2048.   ing (infinite lives etc.) pokes for games a bit easier: it is similar
  2049.   to the `Lifeguard' utility which was available for use with the Multi‐
  2050.   face. It works by maintaining a list of locations in which the current
  2051.   number of lives (etc.) may be stored, and having the ability to remove
  2052.   from that list any locations which don't contain a specified value.
  2054.   The poke finder dialog contains an entry box for specifying the value
  2055.   to be searched for, a count of the current number of possible locations
  2056.   and, if there are less than 20 possible locations, a list of the possi‐
  2057.   ble locations (in `page:offset' format). The five buttons act as fol‐
  2058.   lows:
  2060.   Incremented
  2061.   Remove from the list of possible locations all addresses which
  2062.   have not been incremented since the last search.
  2063.   Decremented
  2064.   Remove from the list of possible locations all addresses which
  2065.   have not been decremented since the last search.
  2067.   Search
  2068.   Remove from the list of possible locations all addresses which
  2069.   do not contain the value specified in the `Search for' field.
  2071.   Reset
  2072.   Reset the poke finder so that all locations are considered pos‐
  2073.   sible.
  2075.   Close
  2076.   Close the dialog. Note that this does not reset the current
  2077.   state of the poke finder.
  2079.   Double-clicking on an entry in the list of possible locations will
  2080.   cause a breakpoint to be set to trigger whenever that location is writ‐
  2081.   ten to.
  2083.   An example of how to use this may make things a bit clearer. We'll use
  2084.   the 128K version of Gryzor. Load the game, define keys to suit and
  2085.   start playing. Immediately pause the game and bring up the poke finder
  2086.   dialog. We note that we currently have 6 lives, so enter `6' into the
  2087.   `Search for' field and click `Search'. This reduces the number of pos‐
  2088.   sible locations to around 931 (you may get a slightly different number
  2089.   depending on exactly when you paused the game). Play along a bit and
  2090.   then (deliberately) lose a life. Pause the game again. As we now have 5
  2091.   lives, replace the `6' in the 'Search for' field with a `5' and click
  2092.   `Search' again. This then reduces the list of possible locations to
  2093.   just one: page 2, offset 0x00BC. This is the only location in memory
  2094.   which stored `6' when we had 6 lives and `5' when we had 5 lives, so
  2095.   its pretty likely that this is where the lives count is stored. Double-
  2096.   clicking on the `2:0x00BC' entry in the dialog will set the appropriate
  2097.   breakpoint (you may wish to open the debugger at this point to confirm
  2098.   this). Play along a bit more. When you next lose a life, emulation is
  2099.   stopped with PC at 0x91CD. Scrolling up a few addresses in the debug‐
  2100.   ger's disassembly pane shows a value was loaded from 0x80BC (our hypo‐
  2101.   thetical lives counter), decremented and then stored again to 0x80BC,
  2102.   which looks very much like the code to reduce the number of lives. We
  2103.   can now use the debugger to replace the decrement with a NOP (`set
  2104.   0x91c9 0'), and playing the game some more after this reveals that this
  2105.   has worked and we now have infinite lives.
  2107.  THE .DSK FORMAT
  2108.   In general, disk images for the +3 Spectrum are thought of as being in
  2109.   DSK format. However, this is actually an slight oversimplification;
  2110.   there in in fact two similar, but not identical, DSK formats. (The dif‐
  2111.   ference can be seen by doing `head -1 dskfile': one format will start
  2112.   `MV - CPCEMU' and the other will start `EXTENDED').
  2114.   Fuse supports both the `CPCEMU' and `EXTENDED' formats.
  2116.  BETA 128 EMULATION
  2117.   Fuse supports .SCL and .TRD images in its Pentagon and Scorpion emula‐
  2118.   tion, and also under 128K and +2 (but not +2A) emulation if the Beta
  2119.   128 interface option from the Options, Peripherals... dialog is
  2120.   enabled.
  2122.  +D EMULATION
  2123.   Fuse supports .MGT and .IMG images in its +D emulation. The +D's
  2124.   printer port is emulated. (See the PRINTER EMULATION section for more
  2125.   details.) The +D may only be used with 48K, 128K and +2 (not +2A) emu‐
  2126.   lation. To access disks, load G+DOS, by inserting a disk containing
  2127.   the DOS file (+SYS) and entering "RUN". Once DOS is loaded, you can
  2128.   load to/from +D disks by prefixing filenames with `dn' where `n' is the
  2129.   number of the drive in use. For example, `LOAD d1"myfile"' would load
  2130.   the file named `myfile' from the emulated drive 1. Microdrive syntax
  2131.   may also be used.
  2133.   To save a snapshot, choose the `Machine, NMI' menu option, and then
  2134.   press `4' to save a 48K snapshot, or `5' to save a 128K snapshot. When
  2135.   saving a 128K snapshot, you must then press Y or N to indicate whether
  2136.   the screen changed while saving the snapshot, to finish saving. You
  2137.   can also choose `3' to save a screenshot to disk. Options `1' and `2'
  2138.   allow screenshots to be printed (in monochrome) if printer emulation is
  2139.   enabled.
  2142.   Fuse supports several disk image formats in its +D and Beta 128 emula‐
  2143.   tion.
  2145.   For reading:
  2147.   .UDI
  2148.   Ultra Disk Image; for specification please see
  2150.   This is the only image format which can store all the relevant
  2151.   information of the recorded data on a magnetic disk, so it can
  2152.   be used for any non standard disk format. Fuse can store and
  2153.   read not just MFM but FM formatted disk data in/from this con‐
  2154.   tainer.
  2156.   .FDI
  2157.   UKV Spectrum Debugger disk image format.
  2159.   .MGT .IMG
  2160.   DISCiPLE/+D file formats.
  2162.   .SAD .SDF
  2163.   For compatibility with SAM Coupé disk images using these for‐
  2164.   mats. Note that SAM Coupé `.DSK' images share the same format
  2165.   as `.MGT'.
  2167.   .TRD
  2168.   TR-DOS disk image; for detailed information please see
  2171.   .SCL
  2172.   A simple archive format for TR-DOS disk files.
  2174.   .TD0
  2175.   Teledisk image format; Fuse supports only files not created with
  2176.   "Advanced Compression". Detailed description found in
  2177. and
  2180.   .DSK
  2181.   CPC disk image format; Fuse supports the plain old and the new
  2182.   extended CPC format too. Further information please see the THE
  2183.   .DSK FORMAT section and the CPCEMU manual section 7.7.1
  2186.   Fuse supports most of them for writing: .UDI .FDI .MGT .IMG .SAD .TRD
  2187.   .SCL .DSK (only the old CPC format).
  2188.   You can save disk images with any output format, just select the appro‐
  2189.   priate extension. (e.g. ` elite3.udi ' to save as an UDI file) There
  2190.   is a .LOG ` image ' format for debugging purpose. This is a plain text
  2191.   file contains three dump of the loaded disk image at different details.
  2192.   Not all image format can store all disk image. You cannot save a disk
  2193.   image with an inappropriate format that loses some information (e.g.
  2194.   variable track length or sector length).
  2197.   Assuming the appropriate libraries were available when libspectrum(3)
  2198.   was compiled, snapshots, tape images, dock cartridges and input record‐
  2199.   ing files can be read from files compressed with bzip2(3) or gzip(3)
  2200.   just as if they were uncompressed. There is currently no support for
  2201.   reading compressed +3, +D or Beta disk images.
  2203.  BUGS
  2204.   Selecting a startup filter doesn't work properly with user interfaces
  2205.   other than SDL.
  2207.   Attempting to replay an RZX file without an embedded snapshot from the
  2208.   command-line doesn't work if you do `./fuse rzxfile snapshot'. `./fuse
  2209.   snapshot rzxfile' does work though, so use that instead.
  2211.   Changing virtual consoles when using SVGAlib for joystick support
  2212.   causes Fuse to exit. If this is a problem, compile Fuse with the
  2213.   `–disable-ui-joystick' option.
  2215.   The poke finder can't search outside `normal' RAM.
  2217.   Using the Options, Joysticks, Joystick 1... or Options, Joysticks,
  2218.   Joystick 2... options under GTK+ 2.x produces a large number of GTK+
  2219.   critical warnings. This is a GTK+ bug (#144427), which is fixed in GTK+
  2220.   2.4.4.
  2222.   The libao file output devices not work properly with the GTK+ UI. No
  2223.   error reporting, but the created file does not contain any sound data.
  2224.   If you use a `weak' machine alsa09 makes a lot of clicks and pops and
  2225.   will output `ALSA: underrun, at least 0ms.' error messages.
  2227.  FILES
  2228.   ~/.fuserc
  2230.  SEE ALSO
  2231.   bzip2(3), fuse-utils(1), gzip(3), libspectrum(3), ogg123(1), xspect(1),
  2232.   xzx(1)
  2234.   The comp.sys.sinclair Spectrum FAQ, at
  2237.  AUTHOR
  2238.   Philip Kendall ([email protected]).
  2240.   Matan Ziv-Av wrote the SVGAlib and framebuffer UIs, the glib replace‐
  2241.   ment code, and did some work on the OSS-specific sound code and the
  2242.   original widget UI code.
  2244.   Russell Marks wrote the sound emulation and OSS-specific sound code,
  2245.   the joystick emulation, some of the printer code, and the original ver‐
  2246.   sion of this man page.
  2248.   John Elliott's lib765 and libdsk libraries were used for the original
  2249.   +3 disk and disk image support.
  2251.   Ian Collier wrote the ZX Printer emulation (for xz80).
  2253.   Darren Salt wrote the original versions of the code for +3 emulation,
  2254.   SLT support, MITSHM support (for the Xlib UI), TZX raw data blocks, RZX
  2255.   embedded snapshots and compression, the Kempston mouse emulation and
  2256.   made many improvements to the widget code.
  2258.   Alexander Yurchenko wrote the OpenBSD/Solaris-specific sound code.
  2260.   Fredrick Meunier wrote the TC2048, TS2068, Pentagon and Spectrum SE
  2261.   support, the CoreAudio sound code, as well as maintaining the OS X port
  2262.   and importing the graphics filter code.
  2264.   Ludvig Strigeus and The ScummVM project wrote the original graphics
  2265.   filter code.
  2267.   Dmitry Sanarin wrote the original Beta disk interface emulation (for
  2268.   Glukalka).
  2270.   Witold Filipczyk wrote the TC2068 support.
  2272.   Matthew Westcott wrote the AY logging code and the DivIDE emulation.
  2274.   Marek Januszewski wrote various bits of code to make Fuse work under
  2275.   Win32, including the DirectDraw user interface.
  2277.   Stuart Brady wrote the +D emulation, Scorpion emulation and the HP-UX
  2278.   sound code.
  2280.   Garry Lancaster wrote the 8-bit IDE, ZXATASP and ZXCF interface emula‐
  2281.   tions.
  2283.   Gergely Szasz wrote the Interface I and Microdrive emulation, the PAL
  2284.   TV scalers, the TV 3x scaler, the movie logging code, the libao sound
  2285.   code, the upd765 disk controller used in the +3 and made many improve‐
  2286.   ments to the widget code.
  2290.  Version 14th January, 2009 fuse(1)

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 13:13:12)

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 13:13:12

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

Мнда... когда я копипастил, то не думал, что он такой большой. :)

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 13:21:36)

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 13:21:36

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

А мне вот теперь интересно, сколько мегабайт текста можно поместить в сообщение ?

Id(*)(2009-08-26 13:42:59)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; ru; rv: Gecko/2009072220 Iceweasel/3.0.6 (Debian-3.0.6-1) GTB5
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 13:21:36

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

> Мнда... когда я копипастил, то не думал, что он такой большой. :)

Сокрыл, ибо нефих. Тут народ с нокий 3310 ходит, так что поаккуратнее.

bugmaker(*)(2009-08-26 13:50:41)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru; rv: Gecko/2009080315 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.13
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 12:44:49

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

> xmms2/moc умеют это из коробки.

И оне это делают на бумажечечке или где?

> Хранение в текстовой базе выглядит ещё более убого.

тоесть по твоему аудиофайл целиком загоняется в текстовую базу? А перед этим uuencode'ится наверное?

bugmaker(*)(2009-08-26 13:52:18)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru; rv: Gecko/2009080315 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.13
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 13:03:44

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

>Что ты хотел сказать про фьюз? Каким боком он имеет какое-то отношение к базам данных?

Ровно такое же, как и плеер. Не?

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 15:59:59)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от bugmaker 2009-08-26 13:52:18

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

>И оне это делают на бумажечечке или где?

Внезапно, в оперативной памяти компа.

>тоесть по твоему аудиофайл целиком загоняется в текстовую базу?

Думаешь текущее положение дел лучше твоего бреда? По крайней мере елси бы так было, то эта операция была бы хоть чем-то логически обоснованна.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 16:07:21)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 15:59:59

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

> Ровно такое же, как и плеер. Не?

Ты видел слово "плейер" в том посте, на который ты ответил рекомендацией читать ман по фьюзу??

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 16:24:48)

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от anonymous 2009-08-24 22:28:38

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

VLC на данный момент лучший по критериям кроссплатформенность, функциональность, поддержка различных форматов Один вывод видео в ASCII-графике чего стоит. Правда он стал громоздким и к тому же имеет давнюю багу с хоткеями..

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 16:54:22)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru; rv: Gecko/2009080316 Ubuntu/8.04 (hardy) Firefox/3.0.13
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 16:24:48

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

>Ты видел слово "плейер" в том посте, на который ты ответил рекомендацией читать ман по фьюзу??

Перечитай название топика и не задавай глупых вопросов.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 17:24:31)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 17:24:31

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

> Перечитай название топика и не задавай глупых вопросов.

Ты сам отквотил то, на что ты отвечаешь. И это было вовсе не название топика.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 17:32:30)

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 17:32:30

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников


Я вообще бы ПОЧТИ ВСЕ программы повелел разделить на морду и задницу^Wбэкенд. А то задрали мне тут сраться жтк против кутэ.

И база в плеере - тож полезная фича. Вот когда всё это работать на уровне ФС, тогда уберут её из mpd, а пока всё, что есть - поделки. И не суйте мне своё fuse, во-первых, я сказал, студенческие поделки, во-вторых, данные лишний раз гонять из кёрнелспейса в юзерспейс и обратно - я уж лучше гентой процессор займу.

А что не играются файлы без базы - ДА ПРАВИЛЬНО ДЕЛАЕТ БЛИН. А не разводи помойку, а сразу ложи файл в каталог с музыкой. Вот если б он ещё научился использовать inotify и самостоятельно делать update - цены б не было.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 17:48:51)

Googlebot/2.1 (+

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников


И что? Я сам писал что морда д/б отдельно, а игралка - отдельно.

А потом, по другому поводу написал, что файловая система - это разновидность БД, только тупая и бессмыссленная по сравнению с современными СУБД. На что ты мне ответил "man fuse". И я так до сих пор и не понял, зачем ты всех тут напряг лазать искать этот ман, что мы там должны были вычитать?

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 18:02:25)

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 17:32:30

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

>Ты сам отквотил то, на что ты отвечаешь. И это было вовсе не название топика.

Ну если ты имел ввиду вопрос возникновения вселенной в теме про плеер, то кто же виноват, лол.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 18:11:56)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

>И я так до сих пор и не понял, зачем ты всех тут напряг лазать искать этот ман, что мы там должны были вычитать?

Вообще то я имел ввиду бд в контексте плееров. Но при наличии фс и fuse она не нужна. Догадаешься, почему?

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 18:14:14)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

>Я вообще бы ПОЧТИ ВСЕ программы повелел разделить на морду и задницу^Wбэкенд.

Имхо, бред и провокация. Одно дело - вынести в сишную библиотеку, другое - дёргать через пайп и т.п., угробляя циклы процессора на никому ненужную хуйню.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 18:17:01)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

>А что не играются файлы без базы - ДА ПРАВИЛЬНО ДЕЛАЕТ БЛИН. А не разводи помойку, а сразу ложи файл в каталог с музыкой.

Удалять гланды через жопу оказывается не только удобно, но и полезно!

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 18:25:35)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

> Вообще то я имел ввиду бд в контексте плееров. Но при наличии фс и fuse она не нужна. Догадаешься, почему?

Нет, поясни. Fuse предлагает какие-то опции для работы с метаданными или что?

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 18:52:38)


Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

>Нет, поясни. Fuse предлагает какие-то опции для работы с метаданными или что?

А почему бы и нет? Берёшь и пишешь id3fs

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 19:34:24)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

Потом пишешь exiffs и т.д и т.п для каждого формата. И это в двадцать-то первом веке, когда человечество уже изобрело реляционные базы данных!?

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 19:40:46)

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 16:07:21

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

> Внезапно, в оперативной памяти компа.

внезапно, чем это отличается от mpd'шного образа "текстовой бд"?

> Думаешь текущее положение дел лучше твоего бреда?

Лучше/хуже это философский вопрос, а привелегия нести бред в этой ветке целиком предоставлена тебе.

> По крайней мере елси бы так было, то эта операция была бы хоть чем-то логически обоснованна.

интересная мысль. И как же?

bugmaker(*)(2009-08-26 19:45:35)

Opera/9.62 (X11; Linux i686; U; en) Presto/2.1.1

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

>Потом пишешь exiffs и т.д и т.п для каждого формата. И это в двадцать-то первом веке, когда человечество уже изобрело реляционные базы данных!?

В одну фс всё запихать не судьба? Алсо взгляни на mpd. Реляционной бд там даже и не пахнет, лол.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 20:13:16)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

> В одну фс всё запихать не судьба?

Судьба, но есть более производительные базы данных с более универсальным синтаксисом. Например х/з сколько тебе потребуется сторонних утилит заюзать что бы выцепить из терабайтного архива фоток на файловой системе названия/id снимков, сделанных в заданном месте и сопоставить их с традиционной музыкой из заданного региона, лежащей в другом архиве например, в то время как в современной БД это делается одной командой SELECT, ну может двумя - если ты будешь работать с набором полученных снимков независимо от набора аудиозаписей :)

> Алсо взгляни на mpd. Реляционной бд там даже и не пахнет, лол.

Я где-то сказал слово "mpd"?

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 20:34:22)

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от bugmaker 2009-08-26 19:45:35

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

>внезапно, чем это отличается от mpd\\'шного образа \\"текстовой бд\\"?

Да практически ни чем, кроме возможности добавлять файл в плейлист из любого места.

>Лучше/хуже это философский вопрос, а привелегия нести бред в этой ветке целиком предоставлена тебе.

Много ты на философов свалил. И заметь, копирование файлов целиком в бд - полностью твоя идея.

>интересная мысль. И как же?

Это очевидно. Копирование файлов в бд целиком можно оправдать невозможностью их воспроизведения напрямую. Ну может автор идеи имеет более достойное объяснение?

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 20:37:47)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

>из терабайтного архива фоток на файловой системе

Знаешь, меня этот вопрос не интересует. Ровно как и вопросы возникновения Вселенной.

>Я где-то сказал слово \"mpd\"?

Да? Посмотри ещё раз тему. Общие вопросы использования бд я обсуждать и не собирался.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 20:47:46)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от anonymous 2009-08-25 23:13:16

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

>Один фиг mplayer собран с гытыка

4.2, или выкиньте свой дистр в таком случае

А в нормальных дистрах есть выбор.

И, да, smplayer удобнее gmplayer, и развивается.

p.s. /me пользует чистый mplayer, без морд

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 21:11:45)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux; ru-RU) AppleWebKit/527+ (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/419.3) Arora/0.8.0
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от anonymous 2009-08-26 21:11:45

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

>4.2, или выкиньте свой дистр в таком случае

Трололо, выкинуть бубунту с дебианом, федору, арч и генту?

>И, да, smplayer удобнее gmplayer, и развивается.

И какой в нём смысл? Тратить проц на парсинг выхлопа?

>p.s. /me пользует чистый mplayer, без морд

Выхлоп ldd /usr/bin/mplayer | grep gtk в студию!

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 21:31:09)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru-RU; rv: Gecko/2009061622 Mandriva/ (2009.1) Firefox/3.0.11
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от anonymous 2009-08-26 21:31:09

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

может ты путаешь с gmplayer?

  1.  [michael@totechotdel ~]$ ldd /usr/bin/mplayer | grep gtk
  2.  [michael@totechotdel ~]$
  3.  [michael@totechotdel ~]$ ldd /usr/bin/gmplayer | grep gtk
  4. =>; /usr/lib/ (0xb7656000)
  5.  [michael@totechotdel ~]$

gnomino(*)(2009-08-26 21:38:59)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru; rv: Gecko/20090803 Fedora/3.5.2-2.fc11 Firefox/3.5.2
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от anonymous 2009-08-26 21:31:09

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

>Трололо, выкинуть бубунту с дебианом, федору, арч и генту?

арч и гента пересобираются как надо

насчет дебиана 4.2, я как раз на нем и сижу

>И какой в нём смысл?

если мышкой вазюкать хочется - то самое оно, а выхлоп оно не парсит, кстати

>Выхлоп ldd /usr/bin/mplayer | grep gtk в студию!

не поверишь, пусто


aptitude search mplayer | grep ^i

i mplayer-nogui - The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux i smplayer - Оболочка для MPlayer

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 22:00:23)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux; ru-RU) AppleWebKit/527+ (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/419.3) Arora/0.8.0
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от gnomino 2009-08-26 21:38:59

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

И у меня такой же выхлоп. И даже под кубунтою вроде разные сборки были.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 22:00:44)


Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

> Знаешь, меня этот вопрос не интересует. Ровно как и вопросы возникновения Вселенной.

Ну вот и не пиши всякие глупости про фьюз.

> Да? Посмотри ещё раз тему. Общие вопросы использования бд я обсуждать и не собирался.

Надо же не собирался, а обсудил. Больше так не делай :)

anonymous(*)(2009-08-26 22:04:22)


Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

>Ну вот и не пиши всякие глупости про фьюз.

В каком месте? Может процитируешь?

>Надо же не собирался, а обсудил. Больше так не делай :)

Пиздёжь и провокация!

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 00:17:01)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru-RU; rv: Gecko/2009061622 Mandriva/ (2009.1) Firefox/3.0.11
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от gnomino 2009-08-26 21:38:59

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

>может ты путаешь с gmplayer?

Да ну?

[anon@localhost ~]$ ldd /usr/bin/mplayer | grep gtk => /usr/lib/ (0xb778b000) [anon@localhost ~]$ ldd /usr/bin/gmplayer | grep gtk => /usr/lib/ (0xb7736000) [anon@localhost ~]$

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 00:19:43)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru-RU; rv: Gecko/2009061622 Mandriva/ (2009.1) Firefox/3.0.11
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от anonymous 2009-08-26 22:00:23

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

>если мышкой вазюкать хочется - то самое оно, а выхлоп оно не парсит, кстати

Да? Тогда для чего там столько регулярок? Для густоты мыслей?

>i mplayer-nogui - The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux

Ну собрали без гуя. Специально для тулкитофобов.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 00:25:56)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru-RU; rv: Gecko/2009061622 Mandriva/ (2009.1) Firefox/3.0.11
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от anonymous 2009-08-27 00:19:43

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

>Да ну?

Ну, мантейнеры твоего дистра сорали мплеер с ГТК. Мантейнеры Федоры, например, без ГТК. Скачай, отконфигури, собери и будет у тебя кошерный мплеер как в федоре, чего вой-то подымать? Кстати какой у тебя дистр?

gnomino(*)(2009-08-27 00:27:13)

Mudilla/9.0 (XXX; U; *nix i686; ru; rv: Gecko/20071128 nonM$OS/ Firefox/
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от gnomino 2009-08-27 00:27:13

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

>Ну, мантейнеры твоего дистра сорали мплеер с ГТК. Мантейнеры Федоры, например, без ГТК. Скачай, отконфигури, собери и будет у тебя кошерный мплеер как в федоре, чего вой-то подымать? Кстати какой у тебя дистр?

Я догадывался, что лечится это пересборкой, но один фиг mplayer не соответствует идеологии морда отдельно-гуй отдельно

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 00:52:14)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от anonymous 2009-08-27 00:52:14

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

> mplayer не соответствует идеологии морда отдельно-гуй отдельно

Ты глупый че-ли? Все морды юзают mplayer -slave через трубу.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 12:49:59)

Googlebot/2.1 (+

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

>> Ну вот и не пиши всякие глупости про фьюз.

> В каком месте? Может процитируешь?

Это разве не твоё творчество? У нас пока ещё не так много неадекватых анонимусов из-под мандривы:

  1.  Весьма голословное утверждение. man fuse, нуб.
  2.  anonymous (*) (26.08.2009 12:46:06)
  4.  (Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru-RU; rv: Gecko/2009061622 Mandriva/ (2009.1) Firefox/3.0.11)

> Пиздёжь и провокация!

В чём заключается пиздёж и провокация?

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 13:06:39)

[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux от anonymous 2009-08-27 12:49:59

Re: DeaDBeeF - новый аудио-плеер для GNU/Linux

>Ты глупый че-ли? Все морды юзают mplayer -slave через трубу.

Ух блджад. Родная юзает сишные функции напярмую, лол. А с парсингом выхлопа пусть дети играют.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 16:15:34)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru-RU; rv: Gecko/2009061622 Mandriva/ (2009.1) Firefox/3.0.11

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

>Это разве не твоё творчество? У нас пока ещё не так много неадекватых анонимусов из-под мандривы:

Моё. А теперь обоснуй в чём глупость использования файловый системы на базе fuse для чтения тегов?

>В чём заключается пиздёж и провокация?

Оно внутри тебя. Присмотрись внимательнее.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 16:22:00)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru-RU; rv: Gecko/2009061622 Mandriva/ (2009.1) Firefox/3.0.11

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

> Моё. А теперь обоснуй в чём глупость использования файловый системы на базе fuse для чтения тегов?

Глупо рекомендовать его как альтернативу базе данных.

> Оно внутри тебя. Присмотрись внимательнее.

Другими словами, ты опять пустозвонишь.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 16:53:22)


Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

>Глупо рекомендовать его как альтернативу базе данных.

Для плеера? Чем оракел в амарок лучше файловой системы. По пунктам и с примерами.

>Другими словами, ты опять пустозвонишь.

Это относится только к тебе.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 18:30:59)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1

Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

> Для плеера?

Я говорил про какой-нибудь плейер?

> Это относится только к тебе.

Думаю, в продолжении разговора нету смысла.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 18:53:30)


Re: [Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!] Зачем нужен mpd для чаиников

>Я говорил про какой-нибудь плейер?

Зато я говорил. Этого не достаточно?

>Думаю, в продолжении разговора нету смысла.

Выходит, что ты просто хотел поговорить. Прозреваю дефицит общения. Как я раньше не додумался, олололо

anonymous(*)(2009-08-27 19:28:20)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от anonymous 2009-08-26 20:37:47

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

> Да практически ни чем, кроме возможности добавлять файл в плейлист из любого места.

и что тебе мешает добавлять файл из любого места в "текстовую бд"?

> копирование файлов целиком в бд - полностью твоя идея.

ты видимо write-only бот без запоминания предыдущих состояний. Процитирую-ка я тебя самого:

> Он файлы без добавления в БД играть научился? Нет? Закапывайте!!!

и хто тут придумал файлы в БД добавлять?

> Копирование файлов в бд целиком можно оправдать невозможностью их воспроизведения напрямую.

наверное у автора идеи приготовлена специальная БД с чудесной командой 'PLAYненапрямую mymp3file FROM mymp3files WHERE NOT сёдняещёнеслушал IS NULL'

> Ну может автор идеи имеет более достойное объяснение?

давай послушаем ещё автора, доставляет

bugmaker(*)(2009-08-29 09:38:50)

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; ru; rv: Gecko/2009080315 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.13
[#] [Добавить метку] [Редактировать] Ответ на: Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете! от bugmaker 2009-08-29 09:38:50

Re: Когда ж вы, бесенята, про mpd узнаете!

>и что тебе мешает добавлять файл из любого места в "текстовую бд"?

Очевидно, тупизм разрабов.

>и хто тут придумал файлы в БД добавлять?

Буквоед? И где тут написано про целиком? Опять глюки?

>давай послушаем ещё автора, доставляет

Так уж послушали. moc всё это умеет и даже больше.

anonymous(*)(2009-08-29 12:20:38)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; ru; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2
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